What I wanted to write today ... A flower for
... It was a post that involved the two topics of recent days. Since I'm not here to play the post in its entirety, I give you a quick summary about what I think.
Just a few words to sum up what has been written yesterday about New by CAT " Hope is the last to die . From this moment on Venice should seriously consider what happened last Saturday for 3500 participants are quite a number. You must get back to policy, one with a capital P, and decisions taken without consultation from government and committees are no longer valid and will be returned to the sender - even if a study on Veneto City because it would that are not so negative.
Then it was scribbled on New commitments today but I stopped only to read the poster: it is arguable that the mayor, the council and councilors in green go to work on 17 open into the hall and offices. But I think it's a controversy out of place that the authorization to dealers to keep open the shops. If a trader / operator wants to open his own business , makes me quite indifferent.
And then, frankly, who wants to work work, while citizens will be free to place a flower at the monument to Garibaldi at 10 am on Thursday morning.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Vegetable Chow Mein Nutritional Value
Garibaldi, a toast to Italy
Let 's from 10 am to 12 noon at the monument to Garibaldi to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Italian State.
free citizens of Dolo.
I should emphasize that this initiative NOT you participate with symbols of the party.
Take advantage of the space to advertise an event that will be held on March 17 at the monument to Garibaldi.

Let 's from 10 am to 12 noon at the monument to Garibaldi to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Italian State.
free citizens of Dolo.
I should emphasize that this initiative NOT you participate with symbols of the party.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Tatoo, Font Generator
As I understand it, better not write post after seeing the news or read on the game of rugby of the National cause adverse effects to my mind and consequently to my post.
I have to point out the phrase written on Saturday afternoon in hot demand after the event was a bit ... 'well, let's say. The observation to make is that what I saw and heard was: a minority has some 'stained the meaning of the event trying to throw it in politics or " put his hat." Perhaps those who took to the streets with the flags of the PD and IDV - keep Sel excluded, because in the end if you do not take to the streets in a party that his name has the word "Ecology" who else could do it? - He's cheated in the previous days of the appeal to the press by the organizers, who are the congratulations for having organized a rally of this mold, colorful and useful, much more useful than other events that take place both right and left and that he deserved more space on local and national press. " cares who cares! " avran thought those few with the banner: the opportunity was tempting, because they pass up?? And who cares even care to all those who do not think like us, who might vote right and often took to the streets because the cement do not want it.
Well, that's all. No one wanted to tarnish the work of the organizers, as has been commented by Sj. Also because it was enough to read a post below to understand which one, has pushed this blog, even though we are deployed with two opposing factions.
And, despite everything, remains the same puzzled, because she was singing "Hello Beautiful", which is a song that evokes the partisan struggle against the invader, when maybe someone could be annoying? And to think that the slogan on Chisso was much more appropriate! Then, the flag of the PNA. I thought it was to see her, you see that I have not been so attentive and I messed with some other flag.
Moral of the story. No one here questions the meaning of the feast. The only thing to do was to distance himself from that group of people took to the streets with flags of political parties because, according I have seen only a wonderful opportunity to put their hat.
As I understand it, better not write post after seeing the news or read on the game of rugby of the National cause adverse effects to my mind and consequently to my post.
I have to point out the phrase written on Saturday afternoon in hot demand after the event was a bit ... 'well, let's say. The observation to make is that what I saw and heard was: a minority has some 'stained the meaning of the event trying to throw it in politics or " put his hat." Perhaps those who took to the streets with the flags of the PD and IDV - keep Sel excluded, because in the end if you do not take to the streets in a party that his name has the word "Ecology" who else could do it? - He's cheated in the previous days of the appeal to the press by the organizers, who are the congratulations for having organized a rally of this mold, colorful and useful, much more useful than other events that take place both right and left and that he deserved more space on local and national press. " cares who cares! " avran thought those few with the banner: the opportunity was tempting, because they pass up?? And who cares even care to all those who do not think like us, who might vote right and often took to the streets because the cement do not want it.
Well, that's all. No one wanted to tarnish the work of the organizers, as has been commented by Sj. Also because it was enough to read a post below to understand which one, has pushed this blog, even though we are deployed with two opposing factions.
And, despite everything, remains the same puzzled, because she was singing "Hello Beautiful", which is a song that evokes the partisan struggle against the invader, when maybe someone could be annoying? And to think that the slogan on Chisso was much more appropriate! Then, the flag of the PNA. I thought it was to see her, you see that I have not been so attentive and I messed with some other flag.
Moral of the story. No one here questions the meaning of the feast. The only thing to do was to distance himself from that group of people took to the streets with flags of political parties because, according I have seen only a wonderful opportunity to put their hat.
Case With Foam Toronto
Dolo Carnival 2011: the official program
Ready program Dolo of the Carnival of 2011, drawn by the artistic director of the event Umberto Cogno. The initiatives presented by the Town Council in collaboration with Ascom Services Ltd Riviera, will be realized through the efforts of a group of local voluntary associations, which have instilled in their efforts for the Carnival Committee.
Sunday, March 27, 2011, therefore, the proclamation of the official opening of the Carnival at 14.00 from the stage, in front of the Cathedral.
one another, in the historic center, the parades of the following groups:
- Harley Motorcycles Davidson
- Old cars;
- horse-drawn carriages;
- Masks are part of the floats;
- appearing dressed in haute couture local
- Masks individual;
- Group in period costumes;
- Majorettes;
- flag bearers, drummers and jugglers;
- Tourist train;
- Children in schools for children;
- Skaters;
- Dancers country;
- dance company of women.
At 17.00, the street parade of floats. Furthermore, during the afternoon, the sky is crossed by an airman Dolo, who will dedicate his performance to the public airways.
the same time, will Dolo so animated:
SQUARE YARD AND SQUERO monumental space dedicated alCarnevale Children. Make-up artists, the theater of the 'Sleeping Beauty', karaoke and dancing with entertainment for children.
BOARIO BAR: Luna Park with rides.
BRIDGE OF MILLS: typical Venetian boats.
MAZZINI VIA, VIA B. CAIROLI stalls for trade on a public area.
VIA Guoli: Antique Market.
SQUARE CITY HALL: country dance.
CATHEDRAL AREA: medieval hut.
For those who wish to refresh themselves with a free snack:
Sautee CLAM in the garden of Piazza Municipio;
MIXED CICCHETTI gazebo in Via Cairoli;
a glass of wine in Riva Menacao;
Galan and pancakes in Piazza Duomo and near the Shipyard. For those who want
groped fortune, is MILLESOGNI lottery tickets at a cost of one euro, are already available in stores in Dolo, but will be distributed on Sunday of the carnival. The prizes consist of gift vouchers to spend in the shops of the town (the first prize has a value of 1,500 €).
tourist train, the carriages with the horses and the Venetian boats will be available to children for a ride through the streets of the carnival - even water.
'Dolo Carnival 2011' will also be the subject of a photo competition by the Office of Productive Activities and Tourism. And the shop windows (open) of Dolo, graced by the paintings of the association 'Dolo writing and painting', is dressed all in celebration. The most colorful will be rewarded.
Ready program Dolo of the Carnival of 2011, drawn by the artistic director of the event Umberto Cogno. The initiatives presented by the Town Council in collaboration with Ascom Services Ltd Riviera, will be realized through the efforts of a group of local voluntary associations, which have instilled in their efforts for the Carnival Committee.
Sunday, March 27, 2011, therefore, the proclamation of the official opening of the Carnival at 14.00 from the stage, in front of the Cathedral.
one another, in the historic center, the parades of the following groups:
- Harley Motorcycles Davidson
- Old cars;
- horse-drawn carriages;
- Masks are part of the floats;
- appearing dressed in haute couture local
- Masks individual;
- Group in period costumes;
- Majorettes;
- flag bearers, drummers and jugglers;
- Tourist train;
- Children in schools for children;
- Skaters;
- Dancers country;
- dance company of women.
At 17.00, the street parade of floats. Furthermore, during the afternoon, the sky is crossed by an airman Dolo, who will dedicate his performance to the public airways.
the same time, will Dolo so animated:
SQUARE YARD AND SQUERO monumental space dedicated alCarnevale Children. Make-up artists, the theater of the 'Sleeping Beauty', karaoke and dancing with entertainment for children.
BOARIO BAR: Luna Park with rides.
BRIDGE OF MILLS: typical Venetian boats.
MAZZINI VIA, VIA B. CAIROLI stalls for trade on a public area.
VIA Guoli: Antique Market.
SQUARE CITY HALL: country dance.
CATHEDRAL AREA: medieval hut.
For those who wish to refresh themselves with a free snack:
Sautee CLAM in the garden of Piazza Municipio;
MIXED CICCHETTI gazebo in Via Cairoli;
a glass of wine in Riva Menacao;
Galan and pancakes in Piazza Duomo and near the Shipyard. For those who want
groped fortune, is MILLESOGNI lottery tickets at a cost of one euro, are already available in stores in Dolo, but will be distributed on Sunday of the carnival. The prizes consist of gift vouchers to spend in the shops of the town (the first prize has a value of 1,500 €).
tourist train, the carriages with the horses and the Venetian boats will be available to children for a ride through the streets of the carnival - even water.
'Dolo Carnival 2011' will also be the subject of a photo competition by the Office of Productive Activities and Tourism. And the shop windows (open) of Dolo, graced by the paintings of the association 'Dolo writing and painting', is dressed all in celebration. The most colorful will be rewarded.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Facebook Nadine Jensen
Forgive the ignorance ... Attempted
But what enters Maroni, "Hello Beautiful" and the flag ANPI with the peaceful and colorful event today??
But what enters Maroni, "Hello Beautiful" and the flag ANPI with the peaceful and colorful event today??
Free Clip Art Aunt Maxine
Ado About Nothing
Before we begin, I wanted to wish a good walk to all those who participate in the event of CAT.
addition of provocative questions were asked: "How can you be allies in the 17 who go to work? "and things like that. reply: alliances are made to achieve goals that are common, although not always get along on some values. That during the Second World War USA and the USSR had the same principles of democracy and respect for human rights? for Manco idea! But they fought together to win against Hitler. I did not think they were both in agreement on international politics DS, Margherita, PRC and various parties of the left etc etc.. when they dropped Prodi on Afghanistan - with a lot of international fool. But they had to win allies against Berlusconi. Bottom line: although League and PDL are far apart on the meaning of the Unit National does not mean that we should tear alliance. A Dolo up to the highest levels. And the alliance PDL-League, for the goals that we have to get together, it is absolutely unbreakable.
We get to because of today's post. Yesterday an article appeared in more depth what is written on New last Sunday in which the mayor Gotthard not celebrate the national independence. E 'has been written that will work, but the mayor will actually a day like any other: indeed, a day by the mayor, who works a casino spending the day on the phone - but only to ask, huh: who got the brilliant idea to request a meeting with the citizenship on the Budget? - And as you also all the other councilors and advisers in green shirt. But there is also the thick PDL patrol that will celebrate the Independence Day: among others, who is writing just now. The story seemed to end there, with Gei who wrote by hand a letter pointing out the institutional role of mayor as first citizen of the town of Dolo, until proven otherwise, is the first city of a coastal village that is part of the Italian Republic. Dolo also organized a series of initiatives that were presented by the Culture Pra Antonio during the city council on Thursday, one to which I have not attended but they told me to be inherent in the budget. At this point, I take the title and the words used by Gazzettino.
reactions after taking a stand on celebration of the unity of Maddalena Gottardo
against Mayor Councillor: "I will feast on 17" "I left school at the pole dolese two letters: one for the Constitution Italian, the other on the history of the hymn di Mameli. " Pra, in fact, made a gift to students of middle and upper third of a copy of the Italian Constitution, urging teachers to read a dozen articles a week before class. Not only, sent to all schools a CD containing the Inno di Mameli reiterating that he, unlike Mayor's March 17 will celebrate the Unity . Here are the pieces
indicted. From what I've been told this sentence argument with the mayor has never been told. Something that was added just to create a hornet's nest of controversy? Most likely the commissioner Pra attend the event on Wednesday evening in that of Camponogara, together with other young men of the PDL and Dolo Italy-Riviera del Brenta and other political forces. Dear journalists, change strategy: you will never, ever have to put the weeds in most municipal .
Finally, I want to always refer to the piece written by the boys of the Young Italy, given that a reference was made Zen on what the League says Spinello.
Before we begin, I wanted to wish a good walk to all those who participate in the event of CAT.
addition of provocative questions were asked: "How can you be allies in the 17 who go to work? "and things like that. reply: alliances are made to achieve goals that are common, although not always get along on some values. That during the Second World War USA and the USSR had the same principles of democracy and respect for human rights? for Manco idea! But they fought together to win against Hitler. I did not think they were both in agreement on international politics DS, Margherita, PRC and various parties of the left etc etc.. when they dropped Prodi on Afghanistan - with a lot of international fool. But they had to win allies against Berlusconi. Bottom line: although League and PDL are far apart on the meaning of the Unit National does not mean that we should tear alliance. A Dolo up to the highest levels. And the alliance PDL-League, for the goals that we have to get together, it is absolutely unbreakable.
We get to because of today's post. Yesterday an article appeared in more depth what is written on New last Sunday in which the mayor Gotthard not celebrate the national independence. E 'has been written that will work, but the mayor will actually a day like any other: indeed, a day by the mayor, who works a casino spending the day on the phone - but only to ask, huh: who got the brilliant idea to request a meeting with the citizenship on the Budget? - And as you also all the other councilors and advisers in green shirt. But there is also the thick PDL patrol that will celebrate the Independence Day: among others, who is writing just now. The story seemed to end there, with Gei who wrote by hand a letter pointing out the institutional role of mayor as first citizen of the town of Dolo, until proven otherwise, is the first city of a coastal village that is part of the Italian Republic. Dolo also organized a series of initiatives that were presented by the Culture Pra Antonio during the city council on Thursday, one to which I have not attended but they told me to be inherent in the budget. At this point, I take the title and the words used by Gazzettino.
reactions after taking a stand on celebration of the unity of Maddalena Gottardo
against Mayor Councillor: "I will feast on 17" "I left school at the pole dolese two letters: one for the Constitution Italian, the other on the history of the hymn di Mameli. " Pra, in fact, made a gift to students of middle and upper third of a copy of the Italian Constitution, urging teachers to read a dozen articles a week before class. Not only, sent to all schools a CD containing the Inno di Mameli reiterating that he, unlike Mayor's March 17 will celebrate the Unity . Here are the pieces
indicted. From what I've been told this sentence argument with the mayor has never been told. Something that was added just to create a hornet's nest of controversy? Most likely the commissioner Pra attend the event on Wednesday evening in that of Camponogara, together with other young men of the PDL and Dolo Italy-Riviera del Brenta and other political forces. Dear journalists, change strategy: you will never, ever have to put the weeds in most municipal .
Finally, I want to always refer to the piece written by the boys of the Young Italy, given that a reference was made Zen on what the League says Spinello.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
How To Trade Vba Crystal
I'm sorry ...
Because of commitments signed MOOLTO will be difficult to make various comments etc etc..
However, do not expect me to comment on the City Council yesterday. I do not even know there was!
However, the question of independence, which the press has been reflected in the positions of all but not yet of Young Italy, taking advantage of going to jump on this blog because then you will find the position of the latter .
asks me what I think of what happened?!? Most likely you have not yet figured out how I feel on the issue of Independence celebrations.
Because of commitments signed MOOLTO will be difficult to make various comments etc etc..
However, do not expect me to comment on the City Council yesterday. I do not even know there was!
However, the question of independence, which the press has been reflected in the positions of all but not yet of Young Italy, taking advantage of going to jump on this blog because then you will find the position of the latter .
asks me what I think of what happened?!? Most likely you have not yet figured out how I feel on the issue of Independence celebrations.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Baby Engagement Stages Diagram
Invasion of CAT CAV
This post was written before reading the article in the Gazzettino!
From a CAT CAV is a short step ...
now so do the walls, the bells of recycling and the control unit of Enel, all plastered with posters: next Saturday, the CAT held in Dolo starting at 15, with a procession that starts from the area of sports, going by Arino, via Cairoli, Via Vittorio Veneto, Via Curzio phrases Brentana then go back to the Riviera to the Boarium Forum, where you set up a stage in which artists will perform and others (but this move did not you pay the bid, please).
The purpose of the event is to raise awareness on possible works that could be built in the coming years. There is talk of Romea Commercial of lorry along the Waterway, but also the logistical hub of Clare- Dogaletto , power line, city of fashion and City Veneto. Although some works are still under discussion, others speak as if you were to start soon with the work, while others remain at sea because there is no political coordination between the Province of Venice and the Veneto Region, as the matter is complex, I believe a priori that Romeo and Commercial truck drivers do not have to pass through our territory . The policy, in this case, it seems strafregarsene: In addition to arguing, do not argue with people about what might happen and decisions are lowered from above without being able to say "a". These works, all fell together on an area already affected, could only mean one thing: the failure of the policy.
They can instead on Veneto City they may be useful to the relaunching of the area in terms of employment - although we hope that when Veneto City will light will light if the crisis is already over for some time and with it the crisis of unemployment - but it could bring revenue into municipal coffers in a very heavy for the municipal budget. Not deleted any project and do not say "no" a priori: we must speak of this as an opportunity. Also because the Veneto City project is a project that is tempting and common to many other areas, they are governed by administrators white-red green-blue, just for investment that the proponents could make it rain on their countries.
Dai, said this will open the discussion ....
This post was written before reading the article in the Gazzettino!
From a CAT CAV is a short step ...
now so do the walls, the bells of recycling and the control unit of Enel, all plastered with posters: next Saturday, the CAT held in Dolo starting at 15, with a procession that starts from the area of sports, going by Arino, via Cairoli, Via Vittorio Veneto, Via Curzio phrases Brentana then go back to the Riviera to the Boarium Forum, where you set up a stage in which artists will perform and others (but this move did not you pay the bid, please).
The purpose of the event is to raise awareness on possible works that could be built in the coming years. There is talk of Romea Commercial of lorry along the Waterway, but also the logistical hub of Clare- Dogaletto , power line, city of fashion and City Veneto. Although some works are still under discussion, others speak as if you were to start soon with the work, while others remain at sea because there is no political coordination between the Province of Venice and the Veneto Region, as the matter is complex, I believe a priori that Romeo and Commercial truck drivers do not have to pass through our territory . The policy, in this case, it seems strafregarsene: In addition to arguing, do not argue with people about what might happen and decisions are lowered from above without being able to say "a". These works, all fell together on an area already affected, could only mean one thing: the failure of the policy.
They can instead on Veneto City they may be useful to the relaunching of the area in terms of employment - although we hope that when Veneto City will light will light if the crisis is already over for some time and with it the crisis of unemployment - but it could bring revenue into municipal coffers in a very heavy for the municipal budget. Not deleted any project and do not say "no" a priori: we must speak of this as an opportunity. Also because the Veneto City project is a project that is tempting and common to many other areas, they are governed by administrators white-red green-blue, just for investment that the proponents could make it rain on their countries.
Dai, said this will open the discussion ....
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Patricia Kimberli Tel:
The news can not find the page Dolo on the Brenta Riviera and in general, but in what concerns the Mires. And if you were careless, give it to you this news I.
Until now we were hit by an acronym "cat" CAT. From now on it alongside one has nothing to do with the much more famous, but that in itself puts some hope if the proposal that I am going to go talk to port: CAV - Cavalier that Mr Berlusconi has nothing to do with a strain!
The proposal: Yesterday the mayor of Spinea Checchin was the spokesman of an idea called "provocative" and will now shift the attention of parliamentarians from Veneto. That proposal, which has minimal ability to move forward, with the entry with the status of members by the municipalities affected by the belt loop Cav (Venetian motorway concessions, namely the spa with the task of ANAS repay the sums advanced for the construction of the Mestre, retrieve resources for further investment in infrastructure in the Veneto and manage the complex system of crossing the eastern Veneto region formed by the combination of the loop to the Mestre ring road ) to obtain the proceeds of the work. This challenge has emerged following the removal of benefits for residents of the motorway from Vetrego in Padua, who will have to pay full price because of "crafty" that came out and fell to Vetrego to pay less, engorgement traffic. But another reason is that the promise by the region to the completion of the works of Completion has not been met.
The proposal was backed by the mayor of Dolo, Maddalena Gottardo, together with the common Spinea, Mirano, Scoresby, Salzano, Quarto D'Altino, Pianiga, Mira, Zero Branco, Martock, Marcon and Casale sul Sile.
approve its proposal? I do not think it works. But then, is my pessimistic nature that compels me to this response. We only need to return their previous privileges. But if you got more than we would all be happy, right?
Friday, February 25, 2011
Pain Down The Right Leg When Drriving
Dolo in the program of the Carnival of 2011 Dolo
this morning held a press conference to show in detail the program of the 2011 Carnival of Dolo, which becomes a true celebration of the country for the country because, as mentioned already several times in this blog, is citizenship through their associations to be called into question.
The mayor said this morning:
" It 's a program rich, funny, specially designed to fully involve all our fellow citizens. It' really moved the thanks of the City to all the volunteers that their work will to this day to be really special. What we hope is successful: the desire to work together to give the country its celebration has gone beyond all expectations . And let's go to a foretaste of this program! Dolo
Sunday, March 27 - in areas where Via Matteotti, Via Mazzini, Piazza Shipyard, via Guolo, Via Municipio, Boario Forum and Via Cairoli - will be at the center of a festival of colors specially for children, but who wants to go shopping can do so because the shops are open as in a normal working day. The event will begin at 14 o'clock, when the first show will start with about sixty motorcycles, fifteen cars, will be the first period and then will be the turn of the band majorettes, a group of flag-waving group of medieval Peraga "Skaters, a group of dancers country and appearing on screen.
After the first hour and a half parade of the shows will take place around the country: children of nursery school Immaculate of Lourdes will perform nell'esilarante representation of the Aristocats, and finally at 17 will be the parade of floats unexpected, that seemed to be absent from the party but that will be present. Event that can be dedicated also to " magna and drink " listening to music, then, for those who want to carry out his throat, go to the Piazzetta Aldo Moro because there will be Karaoke. And the princesses may be brought by the knight on his car to go around the country. For the first time (I think) will participate in the demonstration also Venetian boats for rowing race. You thought that the sky was free from party? Of course not! In the afternoon a new D'Annunzio will perform acrobatics.
were also set up a lottery and 4 competitions: one for the best mask, the showcase for the best, most interesting one for the team and for the best picture taken. To conclude, the lottery will take place at 19 extraction. The awards are useful, consist of vouchers to buy goods and products in the shops of our country, so that we can run the economy.
Hopefully the weather is clement. Going badly, the event will be moved to the next week.
So, pull out your costumes, children and adults.
this morning held a press conference to show in detail the program of the 2011 Carnival of Dolo, which becomes a true celebration of the country for the country because, as mentioned already several times in this blog, is citizenship through their associations to be called into question.
The mayor said this morning:
" It 's a program rich, funny, specially designed to fully involve all our fellow citizens. It' really moved the thanks of the City to all the volunteers that their work will to this day to be really special. What we hope is successful: the desire to work together to give the country its celebration has gone beyond all expectations . And let's go to a foretaste of this program! Dolo
Sunday, March 27 - in areas where Via Matteotti, Via Mazzini, Piazza Shipyard, via Guolo, Via Municipio, Boario Forum and Via Cairoli - will be at the center of a festival of colors specially for children, but who wants to go shopping can do so because the shops are open as in a normal working day. The event will begin at 14 o'clock, when the first show will start with about sixty motorcycles, fifteen cars, will be the first period and then will be the turn of the band majorettes, a group of flag-waving group of medieval Peraga "Skaters, a group of dancers country and appearing on screen.
After the first hour and a half parade of the shows will take place around the country: children of nursery school Immaculate of Lourdes will perform nell'esilarante representation of the Aristocats, and finally at 17 will be the parade of floats unexpected, that seemed to be absent from the party but that will be present. Event that can be dedicated also to " magna and drink " listening to music, then, for those who want to carry out his throat, go to the Piazzetta Aldo Moro because there will be Karaoke. And the princesses may be brought by the knight on his car to go around the country. For the first time (I think) will participate in the demonstration also Venetian boats for rowing race. You thought that the sky was free from party? Of course not! In the afternoon a new D'Annunzio will perform acrobatics.
were also set up a lottery and 4 competitions: one for the best mask, the showcase for the best, most interesting one for the team and for the best picture taken. To conclude, the lottery will take place at 19 extraction. The awards are useful, consist of vouchers to buy goods and products in the shops of our country, so that we can run the economy.
Hopefully the weather is clement. Going badly, the event will be moved to the next week.
So, pull out your costumes, children and adults.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
What Does Density On Chest Xray Mean
Farewell to Antonio Chioatto
This man I met him. But I think it is right to remember because it was a man who gave much to our community in every major disaster that has affected our area but also of the contribution provided free of charge to alleviate the suffering of other communities affected by floods and earthquakes.
Today there was the funeral of Antonio Chioatto , a founder in 1998 of the Civil Protection dolese, died Sunday because of illness just 62 years.
Arino I imagine the church full of people to remember this good person. Provides this space for all those who want to leave your greetings to Chioatto.
This man I met him. But I think it is right to remember because it was a man who gave much to our community in every major disaster that has affected our area but also of the contribution provided free of charge to alleviate the suffering of other communities affected by floods and earthquakes.
Today there was the funeral of Antonio Chioatto , a founder in 1998 of the Civil Protection dolese, died Sunday because of illness just 62 years.
Arino I imagine the church full of people to remember this good person. Provides this space for all those who want to leave your greetings to Chioatto.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Airtel Land Line Telephone Directory Chennai
What happens in North Africa?
A friend asked me what I thought of the crisis in North Africa.
The answer, quite reasoned
The crisis in the Maghreb is linked with a motive: the rising price of basic necessities , especially bread, Tunisia and Algeria. Given the success of the revolt, which led to the end of the regime Ben Ali, Mubarak's opponents took to the streets trying to get the same result. In this case the reason was not only to the rising cost of food, but also that of human rights and democracy . It's been 43 years since Colonel Qaddafi seized power, well 30 death by the attack that led to Sadat to power Marshal Mubarak. The people had arrived at the height of endurance.
behind what happened in Egypt is an opposition not homogeneous: El Baradei, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, is not only the only person to demand an end to the regime, but there are even the Muslim Brotherhood , the more fundamentalist wing. However, I do not think that there may be a hand of Al Qaeda in all these upheavals have happened as spontaneously. In all this the U.S. has been dormant and the EU did not even know what to do, despite being provided with a foreign minister.
Waiting to have a clearer picture on Libya, and always keeping an eye on what's happening in Yemen and Bahrain, where he was canceling the opening Grand Prix of Formula 1 World Championship this year, we spend a moment to consider our position, the Italian or Western in general. how to behave now? As regards Egypt, Mubarak has been a key ally for the West and a great man of peace . Do not forget that after a phase of war against Israel last being that of Yom Kippur, Sadat and Mubarak first then have kept the peace in the Middle East, becoming important actors in all the diplomatic crisis between Israel and its other neighbors. The important is to understand those who come after Mubarak and if you move from dictatorship to democracy . The first question is not resolved decided: today there are soldiers, but among the teams in contention are the supporters of El Baradei's Islamic fundamentalists, but also the important thing is that anyone will to power, performing the same peace of mind in relations between Egypt and Israel. As for the arrival of democracy, this step will be extremely difficult to implement: the military took power have resolved all the constitutional prerogatives, and then it will be difficult path towards democracy.
As regards Libya, we are here to be Italian further called into question. In this situation, I take a strong condemnation of the regime as it is liquidating the situation. But we must analyze the strength and the Jamahirriya Libyan in Italy, which are enormous: Gaddafi holds shares of Unicredit, FIAT and Juventus FC, do not forget also the contracts made for bilateral involvement in businesses, infrastructure and especially of vital importance for Italy, in energy and raw materials. What to do? Italy, being in a situation quite complex, can not take a stand against Gaddafi, let alone against the insurgents, but maintains a wise equidistant from the two players in the game but at the same time condemning what is happening in the streets of Benghazi. In any case, what we can hope for is that, after him, there might be someone who can ensure continuity with the previous scheme in respect of trade agreements, energy and immigration to Rome.
But one aspect that everyone is overlooking is that these days influence that Libya has in recent years in sub-Saharan Africa as Gaddafi has invested heavily in the countries of the continent by taking advantage of its exports to the West ; l 'Ethiopia, which seems to be a regional power, very strong, living the dangerous influence of the leafminer and Somali Islamists and Eritrea, South Africa is on the opposite side of the continent and controls, although with difficulty, the southern part. In any case, Libya was to have a strong influence on a large number of countries - so much so that the leadership of the African Union - who thought they had found a guide that could revive the economy and their fortunes. This political upheaval, if goes through, will lead to a drastic reversal. Who can give hope to the Dark Continent? The West certainly not. The new leadership will certainly not native, the less will be assigned to one of the former colonial powers or the United States, strongly discredited by Kennedy in here (Obama included). Africa's future may be in the hands of China, thanks to its strong economic influence and that in the sixties and seventies also sought to demonstrate his political strength.
A friend asked me what I thought of the crisis in North Africa.
The answer, quite reasoned
The crisis in the Maghreb is linked with a motive: the rising price of basic necessities , especially bread, Tunisia and Algeria. Given the success of the revolt, which led to the end of the regime Ben Ali, Mubarak's opponents took to the streets trying to get the same result. In this case the reason was not only to the rising cost of food, but also that of human rights and democracy . It's been 43 years since Colonel Qaddafi seized power, well 30 death by the attack that led to Sadat to power Marshal Mubarak. The people had arrived at the height of endurance.
behind what happened in Egypt is an opposition not homogeneous: El Baradei, director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, is not only the only person to demand an end to the regime, but there are even the Muslim Brotherhood , the more fundamentalist wing. However, I do not think that there may be a hand of Al Qaeda in all these upheavals have happened as spontaneously. In all this the U.S. has been dormant and the EU did not even know what to do, despite being provided with a foreign minister.
Waiting to have a clearer picture on Libya, and always keeping an eye on what's happening in Yemen and Bahrain, where he was canceling the opening Grand Prix of Formula 1 World Championship this year, we spend a moment to consider our position, the Italian or Western in general. how to behave now? As regards Egypt, Mubarak has been a key ally for the West and a great man of peace . Do not forget that after a phase of war against Israel last being that of Yom Kippur, Sadat and Mubarak first then have kept the peace in the Middle East, becoming important actors in all the diplomatic crisis between Israel and its other neighbors. The important is to understand those who come after Mubarak and if you move from dictatorship to democracy . The first question is not resolved decided: today there are soldiers, but among the teams in contention are the supporters of El Baradei's Islamic fundamentalists, but also the important thing is that anyone will to power, performing the same peace of mind in relations between Egypt and Israel. As for the arrival of democracy, this step will be extremely difficult to implement: the military took power have resolved all the constitutional prerogatives, and then it will be difficult path towards democracy.
As regards Libya, we are here to be Italian further called into question. In this situation, I take a strong condemnation of the regime as it is liquidating the situation. But we must analyze the strength and the Jamahirriya Libyan in Italy, which are enormous: Gaddafi holds shares of Unicredit, FIAT and Juventus FC, do not forget also the contracts made for bilateral involvement in businesses, infrastructure and especially of vital importance for Italy, in energy and raw materials. What to do? Italy, being in a situation quite complex, can not take a stand against Gaddafi, let alone against the insurgents, but maintains a wise equidistant from the two players in the game but at the same time condemning what is happening in the streets of Benghazi. In any case, what we can hope for is that, after him, there might be someone who can ensure continuity with the previous scheme in respect of trade agreements, energy and immigration to Rome.
But one aspect that everyone is overlooking is that these days influence that Libya has in recent years in sub-Saharan Africa as Gaddafi has invested heavily in the countries of the continent by taking advantage of its exports to the West ; l 'Ethiopia, which seems to be a regional power, very strong, living the dangerous influence of the leafminer and Somali Islamists and Eritrea, South Africa is on the opposite side of the continent and controls, although with difficulty, the southern part. In any case, Libya was to have a strong influence on a large number of countries - so much so that the leadership of the African Union - who thought they had found a guide that could revive the economy and their fortunes. This political upheaval, if goes through, will lead to a drastic reversal. Who can give hope to the Dark Continent? The West certainly not. The new leadership will certainly not native, the less will be assigned to one of the former colonial powers or the United States, strongly discredited by Kennedy in here (Obama included). Africa's future may be in the hands of China, thanks to its strong economic influence and that in the sixties and seventies also sought to demonstrate his political strength.
Monday, February 21, 2011
What Does Brazilian Wax Look Like After Its Done
Cuckold and bouquets
the end we always us who pay.
Since I was small, the teachers have always punished the whole class tasks and exemplary punishment to strike, in reality, only those who have combined the naughty or mischievous guy.
is that today's teachers decided to hit all the residents of the Riviera and the Mirano only for those smart guys who knew Vetrego between Padua and was paid less than a ticket to enter Vetrego. Thus, the benefit to the residents of the area is, in fact, erased. What a bad
this master that his punishment is wrong! Instead of hitting all not to educate anyone there can be several roads. Our mayors have sought a solution. What is the best? Today mayor claims to reopen the Gotthard motorway Roncoduro . This would not be a bad thing: the closure of our highway has led to damage of any kind: an increase in traffic on the Riviera and damage to many years palaces and receptive in general, who lived through all those tourists who came from the toll to stay overnight. And they are also part of this region causes economic damage, though for some years that were partially recovered by adjusting the structure or due to the opening of restaurants and other attractions nearby. But the reopening of
Roncoduro is the right solution to stop the "crafty"? Let's say you can be in the long run, but in the short is much better than proposed by the Mayors of Mirano and Spinea, Cap and Checkley, who believe it is necessary to create a special pass. Cap Says:
"The problem is for those citizens who work or make their way to Padua, and that will soon be forced to pay a fee equal to that of new entrants in Mestre. It should create a "pass", a card specific to avoid penalizing the adaptation of the residents and Miranese Riviera that are not the "crafty."
course that the compensation could be something interesting. You should understand what you mean by that, but when it comes to understanding how compensation works, it could be useful because it could give more jobs and lead to more investment.
But while it comes to finding a solution, here we are always in danger of us who pay.
the end we always us who pay.
Since I was small, the teachers have always punished the whole class tasks and exemplary punishment to strike, in reality, only those who have combined the naughty or mischievous guy.
is that today's teachers decided to hit all the residents of the Riviera and the Mirano only for those smart guys who knew Vetrego between Padua and was paid less than a ticket to enter Vetrego. Thus, the benefit to the residents of the area is, in fact, erased. What a bad
this master that his punishment is wrong! Instead of hitting all not to educate anyone there can be several roads. Our mayors have sought a solution. What is the best? Today mayor claims to reopen the Gotthard motorway Roncoduro . This would not be a bad thing: the closure of our highway has led to damage of any kind: an increase in traffic on the Riviera and damage to many years palaces and receptive in general, who lived through all those tourists who came from the toll to stay overnight. And they are also part of this region causes economic damage, though for some years that were partially recovered by adjusting the structure or due to the opening of restaurants and other attractions nearby. But the reopening of
Roncoduro is the right solution to stop the "crafty"? Let's say you can be in the long run, but in the short is much better than proposed by the Mayors of Mirano and Spinea, Cap and Checkley, who believe it is necessary to create a special pass. Cap Says:
"The problem is for those citizens who work or make their way to Padua, and that will soon be forced to pay a fee equal to that of new entrants in Mestre. It should create a "pass", a card specific to avoid penalizing the adaptation of the residents and Miranese Riviera that are not the "crafty."
course that the compensation could be something interesting. You should understand what you mean by that, but when it comes to understanding how compensation works, it could be useful because it could give more jobs and lead to more investment.
But while it comes to finding a solution, here we are always in danger of us who pay.
Cervical Mucus 2 Weeks Before Period
Pioltello queen for a day of chocolate
COFFEE, trays, plates, teapots,
screwdrivers, sewing machines and many sculptures
all strictly chocolate. This is
Cioccolandia, came to
now in its third edition. An event with stalls and gourmet
all made of chocolate:
undisputed star of this show. Despite the rain,
that has not stopped falling throughout the day
, Cioccolandia
was a moderate success. Last year, in fact, the event
recorded more than 5 thousand visitors from all over
Lombardy. Present all the sixty
exhibitors come from all over Italy.
Theatre stands the historic center of
Pioltello, which runs between Piazza Giovanni XXIII
, place April 25 and the stretch of road
Milan which connects the two squares.
to attract the attention of all passers
was definitely Rezoagli Aurelio,
curious sculptor: "With the chocolate sculptures
I started seven years ago, together with some friends
artists. Now, when there are
exhibitions like this, call me.
The morning starts with a block of 50
pounds of chocolate. At the end of the day
my sculpture is completed. "
work that requires commitment, but also talent,
as shown by the sculptures of the artist.
"At the end of the day I made a musician
accordion. The sculptures, once dried
seem wooden, because the cocoa
darkens giving
that effect is almost magical. " To think that the block of 50 pounds
costs only 400 €.
MaCioccolandia is not just chocolate. Present
fact, producers also stand
wine, liquor, spirits, honey, but also
regional gastronomy. I'm not even miss the stalls
Coldiretti-friendly campaign, which exposed
agricultural products. "It's the first time I come to this event
Carmen said Fiore, of Mediglia -. I find it
a good idea. I already made my stock of
chocolate for a while 'time. "
Met also the commissioner of Commerce
Raffaele Villani, "Cioccolandia has emerged as a very important
not only from the commercial point of view
for exhibitors, but also for the citizens of
Pioltello and especially for the
promotion of the historical center and commercial activities
. We are pleased to offer this year
also a time for socializing and meeting
designed especially for children "among the stalls
most curious was that of the" Magic of Chocolate. "
"Our coffee, all in dark chocolate
, is demountable
unscrew the top and remove the filter, just like a real
mocha." Sewing Machines,
wrenches and screwdrivers, shoes, cheese, eggs
: a veritable riot of imagination, creativity
strictly chocolate.
Jennifer Marfia
COFFEE, trays, plates, teapots,
screwdrivers, sewing machines and many sculptures
all strictly chocolate. This is
Cioccolandia, came to
now in its third edition. An event with stalls and gourmet
all made of chocolate:
undisputed star of this show. Despite the rain,
that has not stopped falling throughout the day
, Cioccolandia
was a moderate success. Last year, in fact, the event
recorded more than 5 thousand visitors from all over
Lombardy. Present all the sixty
exhibitors come from all over Italy.
Theatre stands the historic center of
Pioltello, which runs between Piazza Giovanni XXIII
, place April 25 and the stretch of road
Milan which connects the two squares.
to attract the attention of all passers
was definitely Rezoagli Aurelio,
curious sculptor: "With the chocolate sculptures
I started seven years ago, together with some friends
artists. Now, when there are
exhibitions like this, call me.
The morning starts with a block of 50
pounds of chocolate. At the end of the day
my sculpture is completed. "
work that requires commitment, but also talent,
as shown by the sculptures of the artist.
"At the end of the day I made a musician
accordion. The sculptures, once dried
seem wooden, because the cocoa
darkens giving
that effect is almost magical. " To think that the block of 50 pounds
costs only 400 €.
MaCioccolandia is not just chocolate. Present
fact, producers also stand
wine, liquor, spirits, honey, but also
regional gastronomy. I'm not even miss the stalls
Coldiretti-friendly campaign, which exposed
agricultural products. "It's the first time I come to this event
Carmen said Fiore, of Mediglia -. I find it
a good idea. I already made my stock of
chocolate for a while 'time. "
Met also the commissioner of Commerce
Raffaele Villani, "Cioccolandia has emerged as a very important
not only from the commercial point of view
for exhibitors, but also for the citizens of
Pioltello and especially for the
promotion of the historical center and commercial activities
. We are pleased to offer this year
also a time for socializing and meeting
designed especially for children "among the stalls
most curious was that of the" Magic of Chocolate. "
"Our coffee, all in dark chocolate
, is demountable
unscrew the top and remove the filter, just like a real
mocha." Sewing Machines,
wrenches and screwdrivers, shoes, cheese, eggs
: a veritable riot of imagination, creativity
strictly chocolate.
Jennifer Marfia
Sunday, February 20, 2011
What Engine Does The 99 Denali Have
political appointment - the Council by "friend" ... It is
... is what I wish to Paolo Vannini, former mayor of Dolo, who today spoke on Gazzettino supporting the emergence of the Future and Freedom in Riviera del Brenta , with the intention of participate in the upcoming municipal elections Vigonovo, Fossa, Fiesso of Arctic and Campolongo Maggiore . In this regard
out of ideas, the result of my brief experience local politics, with a look at the national level, from where it began.
Create the Future and Freedom for Italy, I have argued in the past, can only create problems for the center, an area which should Fli natural position. The fact is that, locally, we are reduced to make the end of the national center, with many Capetti but with no one in the end manages to hold the reins of the center. And the news coming from Rome show that Fli disegregazione of both the House and the Senate is now a done - Barbaresco, one of those who created the movement, he left to join the mixed group Fli. So the numbers of opposition and rebellion decreases even more fundamental units. Given this disruption, at the national level, who will never follow a party born died in nearly two months after the local elections?
In addition, I can understand people who have been in the PDL locally to join Fli, but never people who have never even part of the National Alliance and can testify that what it's like being a politician of that party .
step, therefore, the advice from "friends" - all who recognize in my own field, where they are actually right, can be considered friends, right? -: Dear Vannini & co. If you really want that municipalities that are now in contention ( memory, two outgoing center-left - and Fiesso Campolongo - one half with the outgoing center-right Civic Party - Fosse - and a center-right - Vigonovo ) pass or remain with the center, do not create lists, it would be harmful. Dolo should be an example: last year Dolo Riviera, which could be a kind of miniature Future and Freedom, but also the father of Fli locally suffered a sound thrashing , excluding the candidate from the Mayor Barbato city \u200b\u200bcouncil. Beyond this failure on the list, the fortune of dolesi blue was to have however, since the triumph of the list led by center-Gottardo as commander in chief of the forces of the Northern League and the People of Freedom. In case of defeat, that's Dolo would lose a historic step by the political point of view for the umpteenth time. I hope that Fiesso, Campolongo Maggiore FossĂ² to any of the center, especially those who have never been in the groups of the League and the PDL and wants to count because he believes to be necessary, comes to mind to make a separate list, thus lowering the hopes to see the four territories in the running of blue-green in color.
What message Vannini, in fact, aim to resurrect all those who, for various reasons, both right and left, were excluded from the games after last year's regional and municipal? In any case, we are here waiting for some "knock knock" the door for the center-dolese.
To finish: In your opinion, in this post, I talked about hot air? To you will judge
... is what I wish to Paolo Vannini, former mayor of Dolo, who today spoke on Gazzettino supporting the emergence of the Future and Freedom in Riviera del Brenta , with the intention of participate in the upcoming municipal elections Vigonovo, Fossa, Fiesso of Arctic and Campolongo Maggiore . In this regard
out of ideas, the result of my brief experience local politics, with a look at the national level, from where it began.
Create the Future and Freedom for Italy, I have argued in the past, can only create problems for the center, an area which should Fli natural position. The fact is that, locally, we are reduced to make the end of the national center, with many Capetti but with no one in the end manages to hold the reins of the center. And the news coming from Rome show that Fli disegregazione of both the House and the Senate is now a done - Barbaresco, one of those who created the movement, he left to join the mixed group Fli. So the numbers of opposition and rebellion decreases even more fundamental units. Given this disruption, at the national level, who will never follow a party born died in nearly two months after the local elections?
In addition, I can understand people who have been in the PDL locally to join Fli, but never people who have never even part of the National Alliance and can testify that what it's like being a politician of that party .
step, therefore, the advice from "friends" - all who recognize in my own field, where they are actually right, can be considered friends, right? -: Dear Vannini & co. If you really want that municipalities that are now in contention ( memory, two outgoing center-left - and Fiesso Campolongo - one half with the outgoing center-right Civic Party - Fosse - and a center-right - Vigonovo ) pass or remain with the center, do not create lists, it would be harmful. Dolo should be an example: last year Dolo Riviera, which could be a kind of miniature Future and Freedom, but also the father of Fli locally suffered a sound thrashing , excluding the candidate from the Mayor Barbato city \u200b\u200bcouncil. Beyond this failure on the list, the fortune of dolesi blue was to have however, since the triumph of the list led by center-Gottardo as commander in chief of the forces of the Northern League and the People of Freedom. In case of defeat, that's Dolo would lose a historic step by the political point of view for the umpteenth time. I hope that Fiesso, Campolongo Maggiore FossĂ² to any of the center, especially those who have never been in the groups of the League and the PDL and wants to count because he believes to be necessary, comes to mind to make a separate list, thus lowering the hopes to see the four territories in the running of blue-green in color.
What message Vannini, in fact, aim to resurrect all those who, for various reasons, both right and left, were excluded from the games after last year's regional and municipal? In any case, we are here waiting for some "knock knock" the door for the center-dolese.
To finish: In your opinion, in this post, I talked about hot air? To you will judge
Is Cm Before Period Dry
So March 17 will celebrate this unit, so that debate (and splits) resulted in the beautiful country. And I'm delighted that we have come to decide to celebrate because the fundamental, but a recurrence should be repeated every year as National Day of Independence, perhaps even more important than any other public holiday (Feast of Liberation Day and the Republic of Victory and National Unity made) must be not only a celebration of this year alone, but should be included each year in America is celebrated on July 4th, we are here we should celebrate March 17.
The thing that I want to emphasize, however, is that , so far, it appears they are living a missed opportunity. What we hope is that, beyond the slogan "Born to unite", TO BE EXAMINED so strong in those 150 years, not only to celebrate. As someone who believes that history is a discipline that studies the past to be a warning to the people of that must build the future, I argue that this should be reflected so honest about what has been our life as Italians, but not so much for us, now we have a national understanding individual, more for young people, the future, which, apparently, of what is happening around it does not cares that much. should address these issues with greater intellectual honesty and accepting those who believe that the unit has not to be celebrating .
should, for starters, talking textbook pages less noble of the Risorgimento, as there were, and how some states, such as the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, had at the time of the epic of a Thousand of the richest states of the peninsula; you should begin to talk about the Nov. 4 not only unexpected in light of a military victory that we can bring pride and accomplishment of national unity, but also to remember the terrible suffering that the war has led to the soldiers, placed in the hands of generals officers and almost incapable, you should speak with more honesty and strength of the April 25 release that did not happen only because of the partisans, but above all thanks to the Allies without which no liberation struggle took place, and we must speak also of the fact that after April 25 broke a showdown that led to the deaths of thousands of civilians that nothing have to do with the political strife of those years, shot dead only because of not being Communists must remind everyone that during the economic boom million southerners are coming to live in the northern cities to operate industries and to remember again what were the years of lead and what it was the end of the First Republic.
speak honestly in our history . It 's a gift that we as a people that is not just partying and celebrating 150 years of independence, but should remember how he became a people. Recalling also two other things, two other concepts that are fundamental to the current political the North-South distinctions are also present in other countries and are much more strong and incisive than here, and the federalism that is being carried out in recent years on a workhorse of the Northern League and other secessionist movements is not a concept of separation from the rest of Italy, but that the U.S. federal and Europeans have proposed as a concept of merging multiple states / regions / counties in a single system strong and compact and able to compete with other systems . Federalism should therefore not be a Trojan horse to lead to secession, autonomy, perhaps, but not separation. Also because, and I conclude, behave the secession of the northern regions of Italy would be a gesture ahistorical: in a time when it comes to European Union and globalization economy and the media, form new states is something absolutely out of this world . Pull out your
Tricolor, which were deposited by July 9, 2006; riprendeteli and come and celebrate together the mayors and all the compatriots in the Independence National Camponogara March 16.
So March 17 will celebrate this unit, so that debate (and splits) resulted in the beautiful country. And I'm delighted that we have come to decide to celebrate because the fundamental, but a recurrence should be repeated every year as National Day of Independence, perhaps even more important than any other public holiday (Feast of Liberation Day and the Republic of Victory and National Unity made) must be not only a celebration of this year alone, but should be included each year in America is celebrated on July 4th, we are here we should celebrate March 17.
The thing that I want to emphasize, however, is that , so far, it appears they are living a missed opportunity. What we hope is that, beyond the slogan "Born to unite", TO BE EXAMINED so strong in those 150 years, not only to celebrate. As someone who believes that history is a discipline that studies the past to be a warning to the people of that must build the future, I argue that this should be reflected so honest about what has been our life as Italians, but not so much for us, now we have a national understanding individual, more for young people, the future, which, apparently, of what is happening around it does not cares that much. should address these issues with greater intellectual honesty and accepting those who believe that the unit has not to be celebrating .
should, for starters, talking textbook pages less noble of the Risorgimento, as there were, and how some states, such as the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, had at the time of the epic of a Thousand of the richest states of the peninsula; you should begin to talk about the Nov. 4 not only unexpected in light of a military victory that we can bring pride and accomplishment of national unity, but also to remember the terrible suffering that the war has led to the soldiers, placed in the hands of generals officers and almost incapable, you should speak with more honesty and strength of the April 25 release that did not happen only because of the partisans, but above all thanks to the Allies without which no liberation struggle took place, and we must speak also of the fact that after April 25 broke a showdown that led to the deaths of thousands of civilians that nothing have to do with the political strife of those years, shot dead only because of not being Communists must remind everyone that during the economic boom million southerners are coming to live in the northern cities to operate industries and to remember again what were the years of lead and what it was the end of the First Republic.
speak honestly in our history . It 's a gift that we as a people that is not just partying and celebrating 150 years of independence, but should remember how he became a people. Recalling also two other things, two other concepts that are fundamental to the current political the North-South distinctions are also present in other countries and are much more strong and incisive than here, and the federalism that is being carried out in recent years on a workhorse of the Northern League and other secessionist movements is not a concept of separation from the rest of Italy, but that the U.S. federal and Europeans have proposed as a concept of merging multiple states / regions / counties in a single system strong and compact and able to compete with other systems . Federalism should therefore not be a Trojan horse to lead to secession, autonomy, perhaps, but not separation. Also because, and I conclude, behave the secession of the northern regions of Italy would be a gesture ahistorical: in a time when it comes to European Union and globalization economy and the media, form new states is something absolutely out of this world . Pull out your
Tricolor, which were deposited by July 9, 2006; riprendeteli and come and celebrate together the mayors and all the compatriots in the Independence National Camponogara March 16.
Tropical Exterior House Colors?
The six 'twins' bronze guarding the entrance to the court of Ravenna
gorillas Pioltello
are not alone. And yes, because there are others in Ravenna
six bronze.
The artist, Andrea Rivalta,
had made the famous casts
and fulfilling the merger of
bronze. For the production of gypsum
chose the foundry
Pioltello, one of the most famous in Italy
. The artist Emilia
in 1999 won a competition for the design and execution
a work of art for the new courthouse
of Ravenna. In fact, in 2002 came the permanent installation
inside the entrance of the building.
particularly striking and impressive work.
almost six big gorilla
want to drive to the exit. Who could live to see
try almost a feeling
of fear as if the animals were defending
occupied soil.
artist is documenting this
soon discovers his passion for animals.
fact David, 37 year-old, has produced many works depicting
life-size animals:
bears, camels, rhinos, horses and even a whale
"The effectiveness of the work comes from
perceived contrast between the austerity of a property's
sculptures of primordial energy," they tell the court
of Ravenna.

gorillas Pioltello
are not alone. And yes, because there are others in Ravenna
six bronze.
The artist, Andrea Rivalta,
had made the famous casts
and fulfilling the merger of
bronze. For the production of gypsum
chose the foundry
Pioltello, one of the most famous in Italy
. The artist Emilia
in 1999 won a competition for the design and execution
a work of art for the new courthouse
of Ravenna. In fact, in 2002 came the permanent installation
inside the entrance of the building.
particularly striking and impressive work.
almost six big gorilla
want to drive to the exit. Who could live to see
try almost a feeling
of fear as if the animals were defending
occupied soil.
artist is documenting this
soon discovers his passion for animals.
fact David, 37 year-old, has produced many works depicting
life-size animals:
bears, camels, rhinos, horses and even a whale
"The effectiveness of the work comes from
perceived contrast between the austerity of a property's
sculptures of primordial energy," they tell the court
of Ravenna.
Badger Balm Baby Oil Eczema
"We save the gorillas gypsum Segrate them to adopt"
'gorillas Pioltello
will save us. " The cry of students
New Art School in Milan.
the end of two massive sculptures
is therefore far from the landfill.
After reading a newspaper article, the
segratese Paola De Vita,
mother of a high school student, he immediately accepted the invitation of the association
Art "Watching the Sky," the first
interested in the fate of
two sculptures - first 'forgotten'
near the railway and then moved into the historic foundry
Maf -
and seek a sponsor (unavailable) for
restoration and conservation. "I thought
to school for my daughter and
great possibility that students might have. Then - he says - I
occurred to me that there is a plan for the redevelopment of the
Laundries, Segrate.
should build a youth center and what better place could find
gorilla? He seemed to understand that it is not
desire to retain them. " The question is
in these terms: there is the distinct possibility that the foundry
removals and that the gorilla
end up in the trash, unless
someone to adopt them. Hence the appeal
Watching the Sky's work is so
refurbishing and
pioltellese shown in a square.
The City Council has now indicated that it did not have money to spend
company had estimated at 80 thousand euro
the expenditure for smelting bronze and 5-6
thousand euro for the restructuring of
chalk). But some people are willing to make it
free. "We welcome this great opportunity
- says
Carmelo Violi, a professor of painting in high school disciplines
questioned by Paola De Vita -. We will deal exclusively
restoration that will be entrusted to a team of students
. Obviously
the boys are looking forward to
put his hand over the works. " Meanwhile, news coming from melting
encouraging the work has not been abandoned by its creator at all
(far unknown) and his
conditions are not so deteriorated.
"The" father "is Davide Rivalta gorilla,
artist from Bologna - explains the owner -.
we came here to achieve
football but with a clear intent:
the bronze casting. The casts are not damaged at all
as stated above. We have only to some system
here and there with water-repellent products. We are experts
Craft and
we can say with absolute certainty that you can restructure
chalk. "

'gorillas Pioltello
will save us. " The cry of students
New Art School in Milan.
the end of two massive sculptures
is therefore far from the landfill.
After reading a newspaper article, the
segratese Paola De Vita,
mother of a high school student, he immediately accepted the invitation of the association
Art "Watching the Sky," the first
interested in the fate of
two sculptures - first 'forgotten'
near the railway and then moved into the historic foundry
Maf -
and seek a sponsor (unavailable) for
restoration and conservation. "I thought
to school for my daughter and
great possibility that students might have. Then - he says - I
occurred to me that there is a plan for the redevelopment of the
Laundries, Segrate.
should build a youth center and what better place could find
gorilla? He seemed to understand that it is not
desire to retain them. " The question is
in these terms: there is the distinct possibility that the foundry
removals and that the gorilla
end up in the trash, unless
someone to adopt them. Hence the appeal
Watching the Sky's work is so
refurbishing and
pioltellese shown in a square.
The City Council has now indicated that it did not have money to spend
company had estimated at 80 thousand euro
the expenditure for smelting bronze and 5-6
thousand euro for the restructuring of
chalk). But some people are willing to make it
free. "We welcome this great opportunity
- says
Carmelo Violi, a professor of painting in high school disciplines
questioned by Paola De Vita -. We will deal exclusively
restoration that will be entrusted to a team of students
. Obviously
the boys are looking forward to
put his hand over the works. " Meanwhile, news coming from melting
encouraging the work has not been abandoned by its creator at all
(far unknown) and his
conditions are not so deteriorated.
"The" father "is Davide Rivalta gorilla,
artist from Bologna - explains the owner -.
we came here to achieve
football but with a clear intent:
the bronze casting. The casts are not damaged at all
as stated above. We have only to some system
here and there with water-repellent products. We are experts
Craft and
we can say with absolute certainty that you can restructure
chalk. "
Confidentiality Emailclause
Concas empty their pockets, "We have the space, not money'
"We welcome the initiative
, if not for the City
there will be costs. So the mayor of
Pioltello, Antonello Concas, has welcomed the news
the support of the school of Milan
restoration work depicting the two gorillas.
"The City Council has met several times
art group and told them that unfortunately
the administration can not support them economically because
of cuts that has faced this year
. To give an idea we
been reduced to a half million euro. For most of the company
produces sculptures of plaster every day, if we all would not finish
save more, "explained the mayor. In fact, the foundry
artistic presence on the territory of
Pioltello from 2000manata
in 1872, produces large amounts of molds in
by nature of its business.
company would be looking for a new place, so many works in
removal will be destroyed. "First of all you should feel
the sculptor who created
the two statues,
because he is the owner and not the
City, as erroneously
has been said many times. The question
must be paid to him. We were informed
to try to save the work, but the artist refused,
expensive given the cost of restoration. We can only say that
, as we have already done, we can give
willingness to find an area which houses the
a time restored, "concluded the Mayor.
is no doubt that we should
find a solution as soon as possible because at the moment
works are displayed outdoors
and therefore subject to deterioration due to atmospheric agents
"We welcome the initiative
, if not for the City
there will be costs. So the mayor of
Pioltello, Antonello Concas, has welcomed the news
the support of the school of Milan
restoration work depicting the two gorillas.
"The City Council has met several times
art group and told them that unfortunately
the administration can not support them economically because
of cuts that has faced this year
. To give an idea we
been reduced to a half million euro. For most of the company
produces sculptures of plaster every day, if we all would not finish
save more, "explained the mayor. In fact, the foundry
artistic presence on the territory of
Pioltello from 2000manata
in 1872, produces large amounts of molds in
by nature of its business.
company would be looking for a new place, so many works in
removal will be destroyed. "First of all you should feel
the sculptor who created
the two statues,
because he is the owner and not the
City, as erroneously
has been said many times. The question
must be paid to him. We were informed
to try to save the work, but the artist refused,
expensive given the cost of restoration. We can only say that
, as we have already done, we can give
willingness to find an area which houses the
a time restored, "concluded the Mayor.
is no doubt that we should
find a solution as soon as possible because at the moment
works are displayed outdoors
and therefore subject to deterioration due to atmospheric agents
Cubefield Educational
To save the gorillas is made of plaster on the restoration school
plaster will not end in a landfill, at least for the moment.
It appears that the two sculptures of
will be given a better view of the destruction.
"For us these two big
sculptures are a symbol that speaks especially young people -
said Alfred Breitman, a group of artists
" Watching the sky
'-. It would be a shame having to dismantle
. A great opportunity
the art school offers equal
Rudolf Steiner in Milan, with an address
educational purpose for the restoration sculptural. When we contacted
has agreed to restore free
plaster depicting two gorillas natural height, 2.10 meter
and currently located in the courtyard of
Maf, an art foundry
this Pioltello
since 2000 but
founded in 1872 in Milan. The statues were noted
months ago by activists of "Watching the sky
group involved in the recovery of works of art forgotten in
Breitman is one of the founders. Since then undertook to prevent the destruction
simulacra: "It seemed like
immediately a magnificent
of great emotional impact. We
informed of their fate and
we found that the work had been abandoned by the artist and
that would soon be dismantled, "recalls Alfred
. Meanwhile
point of reference in Pioltello, especially for children who
admire them in all their majesty.
The initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe art group activists
was to recover the works,
damaged by wear of time and weather, making a
cast bronze. "The
statues are not badly damaged. Probably
the artist had built these shapes and then make a plaster
cast bronze. Perhaps the high cost of
forced the sculptor to subscribe to the idea and work
- continues
Breitman -.
Our group decided to name calling
"The strength of life," for what he symbolizes
The idea would be to place the entrance of the park named after
Baden Powell,
three quarters of people with under a
ball symbolizing the world.
forward to hear what ideas the school
Segrate, which has already analyzed and
seen works "concludes
the artist. The mayor of Pioltello
Concas recalled that he
concerned the recovery of the two statues. A survey in Italy
revealed that the coating is a very expensive
that at this time the City is not willing to support.
On the other hand, the first citizen
encourages the activities of the group
Watching the sky for the search of
private and reiterates its willingness to support the initiative if
will not be charged
for the city.
plaster will not end in a landfill, at least for the moment.
It appears that the two sculptures of
will be given a better view of the destruction.
"For us these two big
sculptures are a symbol that speaks especially young people -
said Alfred Breitman, a group of artists
" Watching the sky
'-. It would be a shame having to dismantle
. A great opportunity
the art school offers equal
Rudolf Steiner in Milan, with an address
educational purpose for the restoration sculptural. When we contacted
has agreed to restore free
plaster depicting two gorillas natural height, 2.10 meter
and currently located in the courtyard of
Maf, an art foundry
this Pioltello
since 2000 but
founded in 1872 in Milan. The statues were noted
months ago by activists of "Watching the sky
group involved in the recovery of works of art forgotten in
Breitman is one of the founders. Since then undertook to prevent the destruction
simulacra: "It seemed like
immediately a magnificent
of great emotional impact. We
informed of their fate and
we found that the work had been abandoned by the artist and
that would soon be dismantled, "recalls Alfred
. Meanwhile
point of reference in Pioltello, especially for children who
admire them in all their majesty.
The initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe art group activists
was to recover the works,
damaged by wear of time and weather, making a
cast bronze. "The
statues are not badly damaged. Probably
the artist had built these shapes and then make a plaster
cast bronze. Perhaps the high cost of
forced the sculptor to subscribe to the idea and work
- continues
Breitman -.
Our group decided to name calling
"The strength of life," for what he symbolizes
The idea would be to place the entrance of the park named after
Baden Powell,
three quarters of people with under a
ball symbolizing the world.
forward to hear what ideas the school
Segrate, which has already analyzed and
seen works "concludes
the artist. The mayor of Pioltello
Concas recalled that he
concerned the recovery of the two statues. A survey in Italy
revealed that the coating is a very expensive
that at this time the City is not willing to support.
On the other hand, the first citizen
encourages the activities of the group
Watching the sky for the search of
private and reiterates its willingness to support the initiative if
will not be charged
for the city.
Dental Filling After Cold
The company Mapei
pitch of the tent by
football. This
what happened in the sports pitch
fraction Mediglia. Inside the center
sports, in fact, there are
two tennis player, very useful
iz zat i
from the sport, even in winter
amateur activities. To try to use
space even when the weather does not
allows you
thought to bring, then
a cover for the two pitches.
sooner said than done. Mapei has
immediately made available to sponsor, and then
the entire project, thus avoiding having to
draw from municipal coffers.
The project started at a cost of around 85 thousand €
. Spending that is leavened
up to 150 thousand euro. "The work
lasted about three months declared
Carlo De Gradi, responsible for public works sector
and heritage of the town of Mediglia
The structure is very solid and also the reason why spending
originally provided was not enough,
precisely the type of materials used
. The works were completed at the earliest
and municipal administration
organize a launching ceremony.
is a structure that could be used for other
events, because in the village,
beyond the oratory, there are many other areas
coach. So in the coming days, the field covered by
tent targatoMapei
will be inaugurated. Even in winter,
may subsequently be
play football to keep fit.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Finger Snowboards For Sale
Concert Feb. 18 at Cinema
I have to congratulate the organizers of the wonderful evening yesterday at the Cinema of Italy. An event that has attracted many people, who have contributed in favor of kindergarten "Immaculate of Lourdes" of Dolo.
Congratulations to the organizers, but especially to Barbara Agostinelli violinist, accompanied the piano teacher Achille Gallo, who sang the music of some soundtracks important as Indiana Jones, Schindler's List - and I got chills listening to this piece!! - The Legend of the Pianist on the Ocean, ET, Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, and more.
wonder that this event could be repeated in the coming years!
Events show not only that the administration should move to organize something, but also citizens, who must get involved to bring Dolo to be an important center for the Riviera del Brenta and the area between Padua and Venice.
I have to congratulate the organizers of the wonderful evening yesterday at the Cinema of Italy. An event that has attracted many people, who have contributed in favor of kindergarten "Immaculate of Lourdes" of Dolo.
Congratulations to the organizers, but especially to Barbara Agostinelli violinist, accompanied the piano teacher Achille Gallo, who sang the music of some soundtracks important as Indiana Jones, Schindler's List - and I got chills listening to this piece!! - The Legend of the Pianist on the Ocean, ET, Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, and more.
wonder that this event could be repeated in the coming years!
Events show not only that the administration should move to organize something, but also citizens, who must get involved to bring Dolo to be an important center for the Riviera del Brenta and the area between Padua and Venice.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Waxed Genitals Before And After
tastiest mussels and mullets? Are caught in the middle of the domes
The products of the catch of the Po Delta on our tables? It is already possible through the efforts of the Consortium for the development of Polesine. "We decided to undertake this type of initiative - Says Angelo Zanelli, president of the Consortium, present at a promotional event at the mall the domes of San Giuliano - to raise awareness of our excellence. We also sell abroad, but we wanted to affirm that our catch is first of all in Italy. For this reason we have chosen five fish products Pula, excellence of our economy and gastronomy. " In public display of the dome, the eel of the Po Delta, the mullet of Polesine, Scardovari mussel, blue fish and clam Polesine. A territory, the Po Delta, really "special" and full of life: a wetland of international importance for its abundant wealth of biodiversity housing. "We have taken up this challenge and we are trying to raise awareness of the big malls, so you can sell our products - continues Zanellato -. Even the Metro San Donato, you can find this fish, recognizable yellow label with the logo of the shell and the word "consortium of fishermen cooperatives Polesine Scardovari". " Remarkable is also the commitment regarding the treatment and control of fish: "The shellfish are brought in tanks of sewage treatment - said Zanellato -. These are used to release toxins harmful to humans, and therefore the mussels or clams are cleaned. The next day they are already on the consumer's table. " "It's an opportunity to feel closer to these high quality products." So said Gary Maughan, director of the Domes, the event "The catch of the Delta del Po", "One way a lot to get families and children to fish and to this reality." Just for kids has been set at an angle where animators experts have described the properties of fish products and the principles of proper nutrition, providing a useful set of nutrition education activities carried out within the school. In support of the family, however, a corner on the properties and benefits of good diet and a competition to parents on the environment and in particular of natural resources such as water.
Jennifer Marfia
Jennifer Marfia
Tea While Fasting For A Blood Test
completion of the work to cover a football field Robbiano
work completed to cover the football field
fraction Mediglia. The sports center
the village boasts two football pitches
, extensively used by
sports in the country. To take advantage of the structure
even in winter,
fact, it was planned to cover
one of the two fields. The work, which started from
a charge of € 85 thousand
, arrived
cost about € 150 000. Money but they do not have to spend
Municipal Administration, as offered by
main sponsor, which is the Mapei.
"It's a very solid - has
said Carlo De Gradi, responsible for public works sector
and heritage of the City - for this reason
spending initially drawn
has changed. The football field will be used
half months and is expected
official inauguration by the end of the month.
In the country there are many other
large structures, apart from the oratory.
indoor space may be
used for events or other important events, "concluded the coach
Jennifer Marfia
work completed to cover the football field
fraction Mediglia. The sports center
the village boasts two football pitches
, extensively used by
sports in the country. To take advantage of the structure
even in winter,
fact, it was planned to cover
one of the two fields. The work, which started from
a charge of € 85 thousand
, arrived
cost about € 150 000. Money but they do not have to spend
Municipal Administration, as offered by
main sponsor, which is the Mapei.
"It's a very solid - has
said Carlo De Gradi, responsible for public works sector
and heritage of the City - for this reason
spending initially drawn
has changed. The football field will be used
half months and is expected
official inauguration by the end of the month.
In the country there are many other
large structures, apart from the oratory.
indoor space may be
used for events or other important events, "concluded the coach
Jennifer Marfia
Humpy Dumpty Poatoto Chips
Italy on charges and on the meeting of the opposition to Arino
yesterday's article I liked a lot. I like a lot to know that this year will not increase the rates of Tarsu , while the tax on advertising and posting little I care, even if the local billboards that are made are promptly removed by some vandal / political opponent / private non- wants to see local billboards that are then stamped "uncomfortable" or bulky where there are the obituaries of the dead. But it would be to discuss what it means, in respect of rates of school and kindergarten, "Adaptation to only index Istat. In any case, all those who come out to give some prices, as happened a few weeks ago, on the school and everything else will say a bullshit sesquipedale . In June there will be a new contract and only then we will see what it will cost the service in September and was higher than the tax although I think it is right that from now on it is correct that the service is paid mostly by those who uses and not with the money of all .
Below is the portion of the article in the Gazzettino regarding the negotiations between the junta and our spa Veritas concerning the payment of the tax in four installments.
"These include Tarsu, and the authorities in previous years had suffered double-digit increases. The 'Junta Gotthard, however, as a result of contacts made in recent months with Veritas spa (company that manages the services removal of waste) was able to maintain for the current year, the same rates for all existing users active. The commitment for the future, is to arrive in the near future (according to Veritas), a new mechanism for calculating the costs, which will result in the preservation of constant current rates. The administration wants to dilute the fee in four installments, in April, June, September and November. "
Now, a thought I want to ask friends that the opposition will meet tonight for a Arino" discuss "in bubbles with a pipe in his mouth on issues of vital concern Arino. Too bad we can not go, but I think it served as The debate will take place: it will be a launching tirades against the current administration and who is outside without something useful. It would be interesting, however, that some of the lords of the initiative proponents should explain to all taxpayers present what prompted them to donate all that money to the associations of citizens between 2008 and 2010 that DoloVeneto published the other day - to which has the merit of having done a search in a very long time. I'd like there was someone who went there to discuss everything and gave detailed account. Or here or DoloVeneto.
yesterday's article I liked a lot. I like a lot to know that this year will not increase the rates of Tarsu , while the tax on advertising and posting little I care, even if the local billboards that are made are promptly removed by some vandal / political opponent / private non- wants to see local billboards that are then stamped "uncomfortable" or bulky where there are the obituaries of the dead. But it would be to discuss what it means, in respect of rates of school and kindergarten, "Adaptation to only index Istat. In any case, all those who come out to give some prices, as happened a few weeks ago, on the school and everything else will say a bullshit sesquipedale . In June there will be a new contract and only then we will see what it will cost the service in September and was higher than the tax although I think it is right that from now on it is correct that the service is paid mostly by those who uses and not with the money of all .
Below is the portion of the article in the Gazzettino regarding the negotiations between the junta and our spa Veritas concerning the payment of the tax in four installments.
"These include Tarsu, and the authorities in previous years had suffered double-digit increases. The 'Junta Gotthard, however, as a result of contacts made in recent months with Veritas spa (company that manages the services removal of waste) was able to maintain for the current year, the same rates for all existing users active. The commitment for the future, is to arrive in the near future (according to Veritas), a new mechanism for calculating the costs, which will result in the preservation of constant current rates. The administration wants to dilute the fee in four installments, in April, June, September and November. "
Now, a thought I want to ask friends that the opposition will meet tonight for a Arino" discuss "in bubbles with a pipe in his mouth on issues of vital concern Arino. Too bad we can not go, but I think it served as The debate will take place: it will be a launching tirades against the current administration and who is outside without something useful. It would be interesting, however, that some of the lords of the initiative proponents should explain to all taxpayers present what prompted them to donate all that money to the associations of citizens between 2008 and 2010 that DoloVeneto published the other day - to which has the merit of having done a search in a very long time. I'd like there was someone who went there to discuss everything and gave detailed account. Or here or DoloVeneto.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Dirt Bike Blue Prints
"If not now when?" seen by two boys involved in politics
Yesterday I discussed with my friend who did not agree at all what was happening in all locations in Italy . Because he thinks there are other things to discuss, to talk about and that they are a major reason for taking to the streets. For example, you should take to the streets to demonstrate on the issue of women's work, of stalking and many other things. I want to bring in a nutshell what we said and write it I added my own ideas, which may not deviate from the reasoning of my friend.
My friend considered to be contrary to this event because we realize that the problems of women were used only to revolt against Berlusconi. This is the other side of the event "If not now, when?". We have realized that yesterday's demonstration led to a contradiction: in the sixties and seventy women were screaming " The body - or it was also known as" The womb "- is my and manage it." Today many women use that slogan literally, they use it because they give the pornography, which is considered a profession, they use it against politicians or rich to get a job or to start a career major. They use it to make money. And 'something immoral and no one here wants to justify what is happening. However, this input was also given by the famous slogan in six lines ago. And now I add some thing here, dear Spolaore, you do not want to offend women, is to exploit and do not use for political purposes; Unfortunately, yesterday in the square was used for political dignity. I gave my consent to a bipartisan event, as proposed by Mussolini to morning saw one of the Agora, where together we would discuss the current problems that concern the gentilsesso in Italy and worldwide; would have been great men and women together they were close together to fight against those who take in public and private institutions or leading women in politics just based on their physical appearance . It would have been nice if the square had been erected some signs against Santoro, who took beautiful women as the Borromeo Innocenzi or without journalists, in spite of all the real journalists Rai, but still poor, who may not be beautiful but have made up to the deck to get there. I do not think I have seen nothing like this. He took to the streets against Berlusconi.
My friend also wanted to compare with Gruber, who wanted to sponsor the Luiss yesterday. Well, my friend claimed that he was returning to the origins of feminism and that it could turn into a new confrontation between genres, quite useless. At the end of this debate, it was also revealed that television should not be an exhibitionist.
I added, unfortunately there are many men and women deal with their own culture as an object. We must show that you can go Besides the appearance . I think it's fair to say all women in politics from all parties who have made years of activism to get where I am coming, that is to play a leading role in the national political scene. Remember Nilde Iotti, or even Carla del Ponte, who has struggled to bring the war criminals in jail and genocide in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. And I remember that my party, the People of Liberty, led women in parliament and regional authorities. I want to remind you, getting to know her and for the respect that I have against him, Augusta Montaruli ; the Donazzan , Souad Sbai , Flame Nierenstein , Giorgia Meloni and other ministers, or, more local politics, my colleagues and friends of Young Italy and the province of Venice to Padua, Elizabeth Ballin, the director Alice and Gifts, even if the League, Silvia Carraro, Cecilia Canova, Sabrina Bachet and Mayor Gotthard Magdalene. Women who have proved to be worth and who have deserved the place they have for their work and their competence.
Dear my friend, was really helpful compared myself with you yesterday afternoon! And I'm glad that these beads have emerged from one part of the Party Democrats and wants to use other means to beat Berlusconi.
Yesterday I discussed with my friend who did not agree at all what was happening in all locations in Italy . Because he thinks there are other things to discuss, to talk about and that they are a major reason for taking to the streets. For example, you should take to the streets to demonstrate on the issue of women's work, of stalking and many other things. I want to bring in a nutshell what we said and write it I added my own ideas, which may not deviate from the reasoning of my friend.
My friend considered to be contrary to this event because we realize that the problems of women were used only to revolt against Berlusconi. This is the other side of the event "If not now, when?". We have realized that yesterday's demonstration led to a contradiction: in the sixties and seventy women were screaming " The body - or it was also known as" The womb "- is my and manage it." Today many women use that slogan literally, they use it because they give the pornography, which is considered a profession, they use it against politicians or rich to get a job or to start a career major. They use it to make money. And 'something immoral and no one here wants to justify what is happening. However, this input was also given by the famous slogan in six lines ago. And now I add some thing here, dear Spolaore, you do not want to offend women, is to exploit and do not use for political purposes; Unfortunately, yesterday in the square was used for political dignity. I gave my consent to a bipartisan event, as proposed by Mussolini to morning saw one of the Agora, where together we would discuss the current problems that concern the gentilsesso in Italy and worldwide; would have been great men and women together they were close together to fight against those who take in public and private institutions or leading women in politics just based on their physical appearance . It would have been nice if the square had been erected some signs against Santoro, who took beautiful women as the Borromeo Innocenzi or without journalists, in spite of all the real journalists Rai, but still poor, who may not be beautiful but have made up to the deck to get there. I do not think I have seen nothing like this. He took to the streets against Berlusconi.
My friend also wanted to compare with Gruber, who wanted to sponsor the Luiss yesterday. Well, my friend claimed that he was returning to the origins of feminism and that it could turn into a new confrontation between genres, quite useless. At the end of this debate, it was also revealed that television should not be an exhibitionist.
I added, unfortunately there are many men and women deal with their own culture as an object. We must show that you can go Besides the appearance . I think it's fair to say all women in politics from all parties who have made years of activism to get where I am coming, that is to play a leading role in the national political scene. Remember Nilde Iotti, or even Carla del Ponte, who has struggled to bring the war criminals in jail and genocide in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. And I remember that my party, the People of Liberty, led women in parliament and regional authorities. I want to remind you, getting to know her and for the respect that I have against him, Augusta Montaruli ; the Donazzan , Souad Sbai , Flame Nierenstein , Giorgia Meloni and other ministers, or, more local politics, my colleagues and friends of Young Italy and the province of Venice to Padua, Elizabeth Ballin, the director Alice and Gifts, even if the League, Silvia Carraro, Cecilia Canova, Sabrina Bachet and Mayor Gotthard Magdalene. Women who have proved to be worth and who have deserved the place they have for their work and their competence.
Dear my friend, was really helpful compared myself with you yesterday afternoon! And I'm glad that these beads have emerged from one part of the Party Democrats and wants to use other means to beat Berlusconi.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Aquamarine Or Blue Topaz Which Is More Expensive
Wow, what a Carnival! I left Wednesday's meeting that they were placing all the attractions in the capital, but did not think would come to such great wonder! A great carnival, really! Do I have to congratulate all the women and men who form the committee of "Dolo Carnival 2011" and whose names are on Dolo Sport: Umberto Cogno (Ascom), Pierluigi Donohue, Marina Bonacina (Dolo writes and paints) Richard Benin (Thousand Dreams), Luca Galiazzo, Michele Campalto (Group Remiero coastal Mira-Oriago), Andrea Bergamo and Nadia Martinello. A carnival with all the trimmings, maybe not "imperial" as he Cogno enthusiastically wanted to say, but it is a good party. It will be the entire area from Via Cairoli Squero interested in the festivities, with a beating heart in the area and Squero Square Yard, will set up a stage where children of elementary school Louredes will perform in a play theme and where bands will perform . In the canal of the gondola "Historic Regatta" will create a race Matteotti and Via Mazzini and will the parade of motorcycles and cars, flag wavers and the bandwidth of the "Medieval Peraga," but there will also be dancers country. The little princess will be transported by horse-drawn carriages for all Dolo. But there will also be karaoke in the square and Aldo Moro, hear heard, the parade of a dozen wagons, which seemed to be missing the big party. And finally, since March 27 match with the fourth Sunday of the month, on this occasion Mercantini antiques will be moved to Dolo 2000.
The beauty is that the town of Dolo will not pull out money to organize this.
Bring out the masks, friends, and we're ready for the party. We hope, above all, the weather is clement!
Wow, what a Carnival! I left Wednesday's meeting that they were placing all the attractions in the capital, but did not think would come to such great wonder! A great carnival, really! Do I have to congratulate all the women and men who form the committee of "Dolo Carnival 2011" and whose names are on Dolo Sport: Umberto Cogno (Ascom), Pierluigi Donohue, Marina Bonacina (Dolo writes and paints) Richard Benin (Thousand Dreams), Luca Galiazzo, Michele Campalto (Group Remiero coastal Mira-Oriago), Andrea Bergamo and Nadia Martinello. A carnival with all the trimmings, maybe not "imperial" as he Cogno enthusiastically wanted to say, but it is a good party. It will be the entire area from Via Cairoli Squero interested in the festivities, with a beating heart in the area and Squero Square Yard, will set up a stage where children of elementary school Louredes will perform in a play theme and where bands will perform . In the canal of the gondola "Historic Regatta" will create a race Matteotti and Via Mazzini and will the parade of motorcycles and cars, flag wavers and the bandwidth of the "Medieval Peraga," but there will also be dancers country. The little princess will be transported by horse-drawn carriages for all Dolo. But there will also be karaoke in the square and Aldo Moro, hear heard, the parade of a dozen wagons, which seemed to be missing the big party. And finally, since March 27 match with the fourth Sunday of the month, on this occasion Mercantini antiques will be moved to Dolo 2000.
The beauty is that the town of Dolo will not pull out money to organize this.
Bring out the masks, friends, and we're ready for the party. We hope, above all, the weather is clement!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Oldfarts Yong Tarts.com
Carnival Carnival Dolo
Last night I was too little at the meeting to understand all the activities to be carried out to the carnival which will be made next March. But it was enough just to understand a story and to understand who was not there.
The first novelty is that the day of the carnival is no longer on March 20 but 27. Second
news, and sorry to say this: none of the members of the Pro Loco last night was this. One can therefore understand that the association does not want to participate in the committee. At the last meeting, last Wednesday, was under the impression that the local tourist office would still have made the "Feast of the child, if possible in the boatyard. Well, if I were a member of the space for child's birthday party would leave a space, but not in the boatyard or square yard, where you could put all those associations who have decided to make their contribution. Series, who decides on its own motion not to participate in the work of the committee can not even compel the organization to reserve a space for its activities.
When I left last night the committee was placing the entertainment in some parts of town where the festival will be held. Maybe tomorrow you'll have more news, written in the newspapers. For the moment, prendeveti these two considerations.
Last night I was too little at the meeting to understand all the activities to be carried out to the carnival which will be made next March. But it was enough just to understand a story and to understand who was not there.
The first novelty is that the day of the carnival is no longer on March 20 but 27. Second
news, and sorry to say this: none of the members of the Pro Loco last night was this. One can therefore understand that the association does not want to participate in the committee. At the last meeting, last Wednesday, was under the impression that the local tourist office would still have made the "Feast of the child, if possible in the boatyard. Well, if I were a member of the space for child's birthday party would leave a space, but not in the boatyard or square yard, where you could put all those associations who have decided to make their contribution. Series, who decides on its own motion not to participate in the work of the committee can not even compel the organization to reserve a space for its activities.
When I left last night the committee was placing the entertainment in some parts of town where the festival will be held. Maybe tomorrow you'll have more news, written in the newspapers. For the moment, prendeveti these two considerations.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Birthday Cards For 18 Year Old Daughter
March 27 Day of Remembrance on Memorial Day
Sorry for the national celebration of New Tomorrow has devoted only five lines in all, while the Gazzettino miss those. But the "Day of Remembrance" deserves much more. On February 10 is the day chosen to commemorate all of those Italians who have been Venezia-Giulia infoibati by Tito Yugoslavs only the fact of being Italian. The sinkholes are over thousands of Italians, not just the fascists, but also men who participated in the Resistance and those who said they were allied with Tito. Given these massacres, the Italian population decided to flee to Italy. He looked a mass exodus that 350 000 people.
A massacre that was about 60 years left on the back burner mainly for political reasons, not only by the then PCI Togliatti but also by the then government that, in the midst of the Cold War, trying to restore Yugoslavia Tito, who had broken relations with Stalin and the USSR in 1948, the Western bloc.
's just that the Berlusconi government in 2004, with Law 92 states on February 10 Day of Remembrance in memory of Julian-Dalmatian exodus and sinkholes. Dolo remember what happened 66 years ago and does so with an unmissable event in the Auditorium of Lazzari as a phrase to 10.30, entitled
"Beyond the silence: the events that led to the exodus Julian-Dalmatian." The meeting will present
Alessandro Antonio Zett Cuk and the National Association of Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia - Venice Committee, the Councillor for Culture and Pra Antonio Councillor for Education in the Province of Venice Claudio Tessari.
Sorry for the national celebration of New Tomorrow has devoted only five lines in all, while the Gazzettino miss those. But the "Day of Remembrance" deserves much more. On February 10 is the day chosen to commemorate all of those Italians who have been Venezia-Giulia infoibati by Tito Yugoslavs only the fact of being Italian. The sinkholes are over thousands of Italians, not just the fascists, but also men who participated in the Resistance and those who said they were allied with Tito. Given these massacres, the Italian population decided to flee to Italy. He looked a mass exodus that 350 000 people.
A massacre that was about 60 years left on the back burner mainly for political reasons, not only by the then PCI Togliatti but also by the then government that, in the midst of the Cold War, trying to restore Yugoslavia Tito, who had broken relations with Stalin and the USSR in 1948, the Western bloc.
's just that the Berlusconi government in 2004, with Law 92 states on February 10 Day of Remembrance in memory of Julian-Dalmatian exodus and sinkholes. Dolo remember what happened 66 years ago and does so with an unmissable event in the Auditorium of Lazzari as a phrase to 10.30, entitled
"Beyond the silence: the events that led to the exodus Julian-Dalmatian." The meeting will present
Alessandro Antonio Zett Cuk and the National Association of Venezia Giulia and Dalmatia - Venice Committee, the Councillor for Culture and Pra Antonio Councillor for Education in the Province of Venice Claudio Tessari.

Monday, February 7, 2011
Rubber Band On Wrist Origin
A book a month
Here's an issue that I wrote at school, whose track was "the utility or futility of the proposed Class 4 ª is called" Book of the Month ".
is now the second school year the teacher of letters Bruno suggested to our class 4 ª And the project "Book of the Month." Each month, in fact, the teacher subtracts one hour Gerusalemme Liberata or Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis for reading the first chapters of a book that should read within thirty days.
The usefulness of this initiative is certainly undeniable and his intentions are admirable: to bring new generations increasingly tivucentriche socialcentriche and literature as the supreme form of communication and art. Allowing them to expand their horizons and increase sensitivity and empathy (as some studies suggest).
The results however are not too satisfactory. Although our kids are always excited about the initiative and also quite involved by reading, then those who will go to retrieve the text and will give you just a quick last counted on the fingers of a hand. To be optimistic. In my view, this is because we see this time as an excuse to skip any hour of teaching in the strict sense or as a temporary leisure, which will leave no legacy after leaving school. You go to the cinema to see the latest Hollywood film, you will leave and move to the next pastime.
Then, as the goal of aggrossare the ranks of the friends of the book, without forcing the kids to do the usual summaries can be easily downloaded from the network (which certainly does not lead to love to read)? The trick is sure to excite students to the stories to be discovered thanks to books, and since everyone has different tastes in this regard, an effective method would be to offer different kinds of stories with plots of the most diverse and different from each other. Everyone then choose the novel that most pleases him. There is still one last obstacle to overcome: how to ensure that the children then take steps to recover the text? You could dust off and promote the use of the old school library. Each school has one, but the room is always less well-known throughout the institution. At that point is up to the individual find the right open-mindedness necessary to undertake an activity that had never seen or had always considered negative.
Friday, February 4, 2011
How To Change Date On Enounce Myspeed
Dolo Dolo Dolo
I have to congratulate you for having organized alderman Pra an evening dedicated to the Day of Memory Dolo inviting the son of Giorgio Perlasca, Franco.
Giorgio Perlasca, Padua and who fought as a volunteer in East Africa and in Spain under Franco, was in Budapest in late 1944 as a trader. Helped by Spain, which to him had been a sign of gratitude for what has been done by Frank himself, not to end up interned in Germany, he remained in Hungary and began to save the Jews on behalf of the English Government. After the escape of the English, Perlasca, rather than escape to Switzerland with him, he decided to stay in Hungary to save Jews from deportation other improvising him the English ambassador in Budapest. Thanks to his intervention well 5,200 Jews were saved from death. Its history was unknown, even to the family, until three of the escaped death rang the doorbell Perlasca. From there began the road of remembrance. For his act was recognized Righteous Among the Righteous by the State of Israel and a tree was planted in his memory at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.
addition to the story of the life of Giorgio Perlasca and action of his son, head of the foundation dedicated to his father, also spoke at the Rag. Zara, dolese citizen of Jewish origin, which at night in winter of 1944 was taken by fascist squads in his house with his brothers and taken to prisons in Via Piave. After twenty days of imprisonment small Zara have been issued by the fascists after the public outcry at the Casa del fascio.
There were also musical moments, thanks to David Adamovich, who sang hymns in ancient Hebrew, and times of readings of excerpts of Primo Levi and read by two actors association dolese the "Stage".
E 'was an interesting evening where dolesi have spoken in many and we hope that the same stream, if not more, there will be Feb. 9 at the auditorium of Lazzari at the Day of Remembrance of the victims Julian-Dalmatian infoibate in 1945 at the end of World War II.
I have to congratulate you for having organized alderman Pra an evening dedicated to the Day of Memory Dolo inviting the son of Giorgio Perlasca, Franco.
Giorgio Perlasca, Padua and who fought as a volunteer in East Africa and in Spain under Franco, was in Budapest in late 1944 as a trader. Helped by Spain, which to him had been a sign of gratitude for what has been done by Frank himself, not to end up interned in Germany, he remained in Hungary and began to save the Jews on behalf of the English Government. After the escape of the English, Perlasca, rather than escape to Switzerland with him, he decided to stay in Hungary to save Jews from deportation other improvising him the English ambassador in Budapest. Thanks to his intervention well 5,200 Jews were saved from death. Its history was unknown, even to the family, until three of the escaped death rang the doorbell Perlasca. From there began the road of remembrance. For his act was recognized Righteous Among the Righteous by the State of Israel and a tree was planted in his memory at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.
addition to the story of the life of Giorgio Perlasca and action of his son, head of the foundation dedicated to his father, also spoke at the Rag. Zara, dolese citizen of Jewish origin, which at night in winter of 1944 was taken by fascist squads in his house with his brothers and taken to prisons in Via Piave. After twenty days of imprisonment small Zara have been issued by the fascists after the public outcry at the Casa del fascio.
There were also musical moments, thanks to David Adamovich, who sang hymns in ancient Hebrew, and times of readings of excerpts of Primo Levi and read by two actors association dolese the "Stage".
E 'was an interesting evening where dolesi have spoken in many and we hope that the same stream, if not more, there will be Feb. 9 at the auditorium of Lazzari at the Day of Remembrance of the victims Julian-Dalmatian infoibate in 1945 at the end of World War II.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Invitation Wording For Twins 3rd Birthday
The Carnival of you !!!!!!!!! On the evening of truth
Are you wondering: "So, how the meeting went last night? "
What interests me most is that press carnival you . For heaven's sake, will not be a carnival like previous years, we will remain without chariots will not be called Carnival of the Storti, will have a different name, but at least we have a carnival, among other things, in which everyone will be an active participant and not merely as a spectator. Event that, roughly, calls into question the same way of Carnival of the crooked then via Matteotti, via Mazzini , a stretch of Via Cairoli - even if you are thinking of keeping open all the way - via Garibaldi, Foro Boario, but the affected areas will also be Dolo 2000, Aldo Moro square, and news This year, perhaps via Vittorio Veneto. The proposals emerged last night very interesting proposal was a parade of motorcycles, and return in the discourse of popular channel, will set up a stage in which the children will perform with their own states, there will be those that piotturano faces, the boys Lazzari will of free pancakes, there will be displays of country dancing, karaoke, not to mention the parade of flag-wavers from medieval Peraga and more.
E 'was also created a committee 2011 Carnival celebrations - let's call it - which is composed of 8 persons. Among these, I would like to recall the presence of Pierre Donohue, Marina Bonacina (Dolo writes and paints), Umberto Cogno, Riccardo Benin ("A Thousand Dreams"), Mr. Galiazzo (the others did not cite why not write down). This is a committee that holds what I like to call " artistic direction" of the event and must be placed in time and space all the activities of March 20. For the moment, no member of the Pro Loco decided to join the committee despite the "child's birthday party" will be made. But, if you always want the Pro Loco, a place is always still available: the door is still open.
Speaking of Pro Loco want to be blunt: I expected a strong position. Unfortunately, I think we came to another " Nì . Let me explain: Cogno opening the meeting asked what he meant to make the Pro Loco, which was implicated in the organization. Salvagnini, the chairman, said that confirmation of the "feast of the child" to be held Saturday 19 and that his association would be made available for the day of 20. However, the Pro Loco wants to see a program - we forgot that the ideas of the program would have emerged just last night, ed. But twist: the willingness to lend a hand for 20 days there has been some grumbling on the part of the delegation of the Pro Loco in the house. And it was staged the controversial remake of the other evening.
With the development of the evening it became clear that the day of 19 was a copy of the day of 20, so that we decided to do everything together. Conclusion: Pro Loco wants to organize the child's birthday party in any case, possibly where it was last year, and shipyard area, but did not enter a man in the famous Committee. The commissioner has repeatedly called for bishops to have a member of the inside of the committee, which I hope will happen in the coming days.
However, I point out further that the decision to participate or not in the organization and everything that comes out of it only and exclusively to the Pro Loco. short, the decision to live or die, or not to participate in an important moment in the country by bringing into play their experience is a free choice of the Pro Loco.
reiterate my point of view: I hope the Pro Loco takes seriously the proposal to actively participate in the carnival event. But, if unwilling, tell no ifs, ands or buts. Take a firm decision because this, unfortunately, is missing. I've also heard a member of the Pro Loco say that for the child's birthday party want the boatyard. To answer this insinuation that the decision lies with the art direction, namely the Committee. It is also why it is good for the local tourist office to give his readiness to deploy one of his men on the committee, in order not to stay out of any discussion.
And he concludes. I hope that the momentary position of the Pro Loco, in addition to change, not cause a hornet's nest of controversy and political exploitation , as I think is already happening. Because everyone is responsible for the decisions it takes.
Are you wondering: "So, how the meeting went last night? "
What interests me most is that press carnival you . For heaven's sake, will not be a carnival like previous years, we will remain without chariots will not be called Carnival of the Storti, will have a different name, but at least we have a carnival, among other things, in which everyone will be an active participant and not merely as a spectator. Event that, roughly, calls into question the same way of Carnival of the crooked then via Matteotti, via Mazzini , a stretch of Via Cairoli - even if you are thinking of keeping open all the way - via Garibaldi, Foro Boario, but the affected areas will also be Dolo 2000, Aldo Moro square, and news This year, perhaps via Vittorio Veneto. The proposals emerged last night very interesting proposal was a parade of motorcycles, and return in the discourse of popular channel, will set up a stage in which the children will perform with their own states, there will be those that piotturano faces, the boys Lazzari will of free pancakes, there will be displays of country dancing, karaoke, not to mention the parade of flag-wavers from medieval Peraga and more.
E 'was also created a committee 2011 Carnival celebrations - let's call it - which is composed of 8 persons. Among these, I would like to recall the presence of Pierre Donohue, Marina Bonacina (Dolo writes and paints), Umberto Cogno, Riccardo Benin ("A Thousand Dreams"), Mr. Galiazzo (the others did not cite why not write down). This is a committee that holds what I like to call " artistic direction" of the event and must be placed in time and space all the activities of March 20. For the moment, no member of the Pro Loco decided to join the committee despite the "child's birthday party" will be made. But, if you always want the Pro Loco, a place is always still available: the door is still open.
Speaking of Pro Loco want to be blunt: I expected a strong position. Unfortunately, I think we came to another " Nì . Let me explain: Cogno opening the meeting asked what he meant to make the Pro Loco, which was implicated in the organization. Salvagnini, the chairman, said that confirmation of the "feast of the child" to be held Saturday 19 and that his association would be made available for the day of 20. However, the Pro Loco wants to see a program - we forgot that the ideas of the program would have emerged just last night, ed. But twist: the willingness to lend a hand for 20 days there has been some grumbling on the part of the delegation of the Pro Loco in the house. And it was staged the controversial remake of the other evening.
With the development of the evening it became clear that the day of 19 was a copy of the day of 20, so that we decided to do everything together. Conclusion: Pro Loco wants to organize the child's birthday party in any case, possibly where it was last year, and shipyard area, but did not enter a man in the famous Committee. The commissioner has repeatedly called for bishops to have a member of the inside of the committee, which I hope will happen in the coming days.
However, I point out further that the decision to participate or not in the organization and everything that comes out of it only and exclusively to the Pro Loco. short, the decision to live or die, or not to participate in an important moment in the country by bringing into play their experience is a free choice of the Pro Loco.
reiterate my point of view: I hope the Pro Loco takes seriously the proposal to actively participate in the carnival event. But, if unwilling, tell no ifs, ands or buts. Take a firm decision because this, unfortunately, is missing. I've also heard a member of the Pro Loco say that for the child's birthday party want the boatyard. To answer this insinuation that the decision lies with the art direction, namely the Committee. It is also why it is good for the local tourist office to give his readiness to deploy one of his men on the committee, in order not to stay out of any discussion.
And he concludes. I hope that the momentary position of the Pro Loco, in addition to change, not cause a hornet's nest of controversy and political exploitation , as I think is already happening. Because everyone is responsible for the decisions it takes.
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This will be a memorable evening, because we understand the intentions of dolesi associations about the organization of the Carnival of Dolo - which, remember, can not be called Carnival Storti because of trademark. It will be an important evening because we will understand if Pro Loco participate anyway. In the post on Saturday, which was aware of what happened Friday, the first spoke anonymously said that the Pro Loco of the previous evening had died since fallen into the trap of the municipal administration that wants out of everything - this juice, as written by that anonymous. Well, the fate of Pro Loco has already been decided, but not by Gottardo or some other 'vulgar' League in addition, but by the same members of the Pro Loco, which met or Monday or Tuesday to discuss their intervention in the organization of the carnival .
This evening, in short, find out if the Pro Loco participate or not to organize the event dolese carnival. I hope that all who belong to this association decide to get involved for the good of the country thanks to his experience and his knowledge . But I also hope that the choice of these results in a political signal : the Pro Loco of the left is not an association, let alone the league or chichessia, but non-party, and many of its members are not members or even the Democratic Party all'Idv or more, and that should serve the needs of the area.
This evening, however, will move the first steps in preparing the calendar of festivities. And, given the presence many of the participating associations, I will set up a sort of "art direction ad hoc" (we were not even in San Remo).
What matters is that at the end of games, Carnival , even if you do not call 'of Storti,' be done and then comes the happy end of the matter. To the delight of children and dolesi in general and of political exploitation, a bat can not care less.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Is There Arsnic In Almonds
The leaflet controversy
Of course the Democratic Party has the leaflet issued in Dolo's center outside Mass on Sunday morning caused a fuss ... so today came the firm reply of the Northern League coordinator of Dolo Mauro Spinello and you can find on Gazzettino .
First things first. Sunday, 12 noon. It was cold and give me a flyer that says "GAME OVER - filed for bankruptcy." I take the compliments and thank you for the blog. Then I read the flyer calmly. In the bottom of the sheet it says: "Together let us tell to go home! " ... in 5 years, I think. Then I read the reasons:
1) Thanks to the friends of the League and the PDL to the Government, Region and Province, Dolo would be spared from the great works: Objective Failed! Romea Sales, Truck sull'Idrovia, Veneto City, overhead electrical power lines already exist!
I think to myself: I do not think so. Apart electroduct we did not know the area and then fly over, but on Commercial Romea to start the work should at least have a well-defined path. Yet, in the City Council the other day Gaspari parent questioned the mayor about the possibility of seeing the Romea go in the town of Mira rather than in Dolo. In short, we are still far in deciding the route, and perhaps not even touch our country. According to council at the last, we know that all political forces will make every effort to ensure that the Romea dolesi not pass along the Riviera. Sull'idrovia lorry and Veneto City are not yet realities.
2) the center put the family: Objective Failed! More than doubled the cost of the School, at risk of closing the nursery, rose by more than 50% of the cost of niches, large increases in the cost of food stamps to school lunch!
On this we can discuss it, although I think it is an obligation on the rise more than school bus service because the service charge of 104 € is the lowest in the Riviera . In addition, the same company providing the service is now in crisis because it fails to cover the costs - the mayor said Tuesday at the presentation of series of lectures on PDS. According to spend the public service in other municipalities, there may also be increased. Maybe they could increase gradually over the years instead of making a sudden increase, however, you must arrange. Nursery: it speaks to privatize, or outsource the service. Well, it was found in the famous evening a week ago that the past administration has decided to outsource the service of asylum. At that time it was not possible to work around this problem, now it looks like there is no other solution. And on the externalization of the service on Tuesday no one had dared to counter the opposition and go against the mayor that he was saying. And we continue
3) We will Dolo the great tourist center of the Riviera, revitalizing and supporting trade associations: Objective Failed! The associations have been mortified, all cultural activities that bring vitality and tourism have been eliminated (Carnival of the Storti, Theatre Season, Valentine's Day ..) and was not given any response to trade!
associations have not been that much mortified. Ok, have not received funding because otherwise they threatened to jump with the Stability Pact, intentionally in slippage of approximately € 430,000 at June 30, 2010. But it is also true that will be useful for the country. When did all I say all the associations have been called into question the organization of the Carnival of the Storti? I think this is the first time. For heaven's sake, because it calls into question in times of need, but in the end their part to save the carnival will make (and excellently). Carnival of the Storti took a sabbatical, you can not use the name because trademark, but there will be another carnival. So the event, at the end, there will be the same. Someone has also highlighted the fact that there are no major events: time to act as sponsor, on February 4 Dolo will be touched by an exceptional event to commemorate the Day of Remembrance will take part as the son of Giorgio Perlasca, Franco, to tell the story of his father in Budapest who saved the lives of thousands of Hungarian Jews from deportation and death, and the day 9, in collaboration with the school Lazzari, will hold a celebration in memory of martyrs at the Dalmatian-Julian Day of remembrance.
short, between 5 years the current administration transmit their duties in the hands of citizens. At the time of resignation, not even talk about it (rightly).
The signal of the leaflet, however, was evident . Intent has always been the principle of every political initiative in any field. And as soon you will vote in Fiesso, Fossa, Vigonovo Campolongo Maggiore and the Pd dolese from the signal to begin the campaign.
Of course the Democratic Party has the leaflet issued in Dolo's center outside Mass on Sunday morning caused a fuss ... so today came the firm reply of the Northern League coordinator of Dolo Mauro Spinello and you can find on Gazzettino .
First things first. Sunday, 12 noon. It was cold and give me a flyer that says "GAME OVER - filed for bankruptcy." I take the compliments and thank you for the blog. Then I read the flyer calmly. In the bottom of the sheet it says: "Together let us tell to go home! " ... in 5 years, I think. Then I read the reasons:
1) Thanks to the friends of the League and the PDL to the Government, Region and Province, Dolo would be spared from the great works: Objective Failed! Romea Sales, Truck sull'Idrovia, Veneto City, overhead electrical power lines already exist!
I think to myself: I do not think so. Apart electroduct we did not know the area and then fly over, but on Commercial Romea to start the work should at least have a well-defined path. Yet, in the City Council the other day Gaspari parent questioned the mayor about the possibility of seeing the Romea go in the town of Mira rather than in Dolo. In short, we are still far in deciding the route, and perhaps not even touch our country. According to council at the last, we know that all political forces will make every effort to ensure that the Romea dolesi not pass along the Riviera. Sull'idrovia lorry and Veneto City are not yet realities.
2) the center put the family: Objective Failed! More than doubled the cost of the School, at risk of closing the nursery, rose by more than 50% of the cost of niches, large increases in the cost of food stamps to school lunch!
On this we can discuss it, although I think it is an obligation on the rise more than school bus service because the service charge of 104 € is the lowest in the Riviera . In addition, the same company providing the service is now in crisis because it fails to cover the costs - the mayor said Tuesday at the presentation of series of lectures on PDS. According to spend the public service in other municipalities, there may also be increased. Maybe they could increase gradually over the years instead of making a sudden increase, however, you must arrange. Nursery: it speaks to privatize, or outsource the service. Well, it was found in the famous evening a week ago that the past administration has decided to outsource the service of asylum. At that time it was not possible to work around this problem, now it looks like there is no other solution. And on the externalization of the service on Tuesday no one had dared to counter the opposition and go against the mayor that he was saying. And we continue
3) We will Dolo the great tourist center of the Riviera, revitalizing and supporting trade associations: Objective Failed! The associations have been mortified, all cultural activities that bring vitality and tourism have been eliminated (Carnival of the Storti, Theatre Season, Valentine's Day ..) and was not given any response to trade!
associations have not been that much mortified. Ok, have not received funding because otherwise they threatened to jump with the Stability Pact, intentionally in slippage of approximately € 430,000 at June 30, 2010. But it is also true that will be useful for the country. When did all I say all the associations have been called into question the organization of the Carnival of the Storti? I think this is the first time. For heaven's sake, because it calls into question in times of need, but in the end their part to save the carnival will make (and excellently). Carnival of the Storti took a sabbatical, you can not use the name because trademark, but there will be another carnival. So the event, at the end, there will be the same. Someone has also highlighted the fact that there are no major events: time to act as sponsor, on February 4 Dolo will be touched by an exceptional event to commemorate the Day of Remembrance will take part as the son of Giorgio Perlasca, Franco, to tell the story of his father in Budapest who saved the lives of thousands of Hungarian Jews from deportation and death, and the day 9, in collaboration with the school Lazzari, will hold a celebration in memory of martyrs at the Dalmatian-Julian Day of remembrance.
short, between 5 years the current administration transmit their duties in the hands of citizens. At the time of resignation, not even talk about it (rightly).
The signal of the leaflet, however, was evident . Intent has always been the principle of every political initiative in any field. And as soon you will vote in Fiesso, Fossa, Vigonovo Campolongo Maggiore and the Pd dolese from the signal to begin the campaign.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Difference Between Fsx Deluxe And Gold
It is contrary to the onset Tem Martesana
The final draft of the Outer Ring Road East
was presented, but still occur
to be heard are the mayors of the municipalities above
interested in this great project. In fact, the highway that
the traffic of the big provincial
of Cassanese
and Search, upset
territories and surrounding countryside.
integral part of the program
signed with
the region,
agreed the extension of the metropolitan
from San Donato in Paullo
and Cologno
in Vimercate, but what
seems there are no funds for construction and
the subway extension. A
to hear his voice is also
Victor Perez, mayor of the town of
Melzo. "Obviously we did not agree
with this project, but we suffered
agreement. Now we will move forward
trying to enforce the agreement
program. " Agreement
2007, accompanied by the mayors on
instance, just called
iron." This involved
the extension of the subway stations
2-Hump Gessate
with reference to the problem of architectural barriers.
"The Tem
here will have a devastating impact on ecological and environmental
Eviscerate campaigns
surrounding our country. The good thing is
easy access to the country. "
The final draft of the Outer Ring Road East
was presented, but still occur
to be heard are the mayors of the municipalities above
interested in this great project. In fact, the highway that
the traffic of the big provincial
of Cassanese
and Search, upset
territories and surrounding countryside.
integral part of the program
signed with
the region,
agreed the extension of the metropolitan
from San Donato in Paullo
and Cologno
in Vimercate, but what
seems there are no funds for construction and
the subway extension. A
to hear his voice is also
Victor Perez, mayor of the town of
Melzo. "Obviously we did not agree
with this project, but we suffered
agreement. Now we will move forward
trying to enforce the agreement
program. " Agreement
2007, accompanied by the mayors on
instance, just called
iron." This involved
the extension of the subway stations
2-Hump Gessate
with reference to the problem of architectural barriers.
"The Tem
here will have a devastating impact on ecological and environmental
Eviscerate campaigns
surrounding our country. The good thing is
easy access to the country. "
Pulmonary Fibrosis Life Expectancy 20%
Sara is the daughter of Uma Thurman in advertising Alfa Romeo
choice between more than two hundred children to interpret
the daughter of Uma Thurman.
The lucky girl in question is
Sara Lorenzini, a girl
that just five years she found herself on the set of spots of Alfa
national networks, in this period, it is possible to see
advertising of Italian, even
that soon will land on foreign networks.
Sara, along with two other girls, played the role of
daughter of the famous American actress, star of
film "Kill Bill". "We found
this for pure casting
Patrick Mandas case, the mother of the baby
model. The time of the selection
drew to a close, but still managed to
my daughter to see the casting directors.
Almost there just hoping,
Sara was chosen instead.
It was a great experience and the production was able to cure
every detail, especially
has created an environment fit for children. " The filming of the spot
were held in Turin, within the
Alfa Romeo plants.
"They were very pleasant two days.
The first day was devoted to the dress rehearsal.
inside the room where you choose the clothes and hairstyles
there was a space dedicated to games adds
mother Patricia.
In this way the children were distracted.
the second day, however,
was devoted to shooting themselves. Sara
has a lot of fun, even
because the production and director
could put children at ease
. Too bad that
Uma Thurman was not present,
because his party had been turned
in New York, United States
But the curriculum of Sarah, who
only 5 years old, already has many publications and television appearances
prestigious journals. For example
participated in the advertising, broadcast on Mediaset
channel Boing, the symbol
the television program "Nanny SOS" to "Sketch show with
Ale and Franz,
aired not long ago, reports on
Vogue Boys'
September and October, for the magazine "Focus" and
was photographed by renowned photographer Francesco Chiappetta
catalog of clothing for high fashion from
Alex Couture
"The experience for the catalog of dresses
ceremony was very beautiful. Sara has a lot of fun, and you can see from the photos
always has a smile spontaneous
lamamma explains.
When we went to the photo shoot we met Nina
Senicar, which is their testimonial
this year.
were all very nice and helpful.
For Sara this is and remains
a game and not a job.
She is always smiling and very spontaneous and
lends itself to both the camera and the camera
. We do not
force in any manner and will continue on this road until
that she wants, "concluded the lady
Mandas. The next appointment with the fashion for Sara
is set at the end of January at Pitti
Child, in Florence, where
parade for the second time for Mona Lisa.
"For she is the second experience
the Pitti. Just last year
were present and the line of clothing
for which Sara had pulled
Anna Falchi. Sara is already happy
must leave, "concluded the
mother of the little model.
Jennifer Marfia

the daughter of Uma Thurman.
The lucky girl in question is
Sara Lorenzini, a girl
that just five years she found herself on the set of spots of Alfa
national networks, in this period, it is possible to see
advertising of Italian, even
that soon will land on foreign networks.
Sara, along with two other girls, played the role of
daughter of the famous American actress, star of
film "Kill Bill". "We found
this for pure casting
Patrick Mandas case, the mother of the baby
model. The time of the selection
drew to a close, but still managed to
my daughter to see the casting directors.
Almost there just hoping,
Sara was chosen instead.
It was a great experience and the production was able to cure
every detail, especially
has created an environment fit for children. " The filming of the spot
were held in Turin, within the
Alfa Romeo plants.
"They were very pleasant two days.
The first day was devoted to the dress rehearsal.
inside the room where you choose the clothes and hairstyles
there was a space dedicated to games adds
mother Patricia.
In this way the children were distracted.
the second day, however,
was devoted to shooting themselves. Sara
has a lot of fun, even
because the production and director
could put children at ease
. Too bad that
Uma Thurman was not present,
because his party had been turned
in New York, United States
But the curriculum of Sarah, who
only 5 years old, already has many publications and television appearances
prestigious journals. For example
participated in the advertising, broadcast on Mediaset
channel Boing, the symbol
the television program "Nanny SOS" to "Sketch show with
Ale and Franz,
aired not long ago, reports on
Vogue Boys'
September and October, for the magazine "Focus" and
was photographed by renowned photographer Francesco Chiappetta
catalog of clothing for high fashion from
Alex Couture
"The experience for the catalog of dresses
ceremony was very beautiful. Sara has a lot of fun, and you can see from the photos
always has a smile spontaneous
lamamma explains.
When we went to the photo shoot we met Nina
Senicar, which is their testimonial
this year.
were all very nice and helpful.
For Sara this is and remains
a game and not a job.
She is always smiling and very spontaneous and
lends itself to both the camera and the camera
. We do not
force in any manner and will continue on this road until
that she wants, "concluded the lady
Mandas. The next appointment with the fashion for Sara
is set at the end of January at Pitti
Child, in Florence, where
parade for the second time for Mona Lisa.
"For she is the second experience
the Pitti. Just last year
were present and the line of clothing
for which Sara had pulled
Anna Falchi. Sara is already happy
must leave, "concluded the
mother of the little model.

Jennifer Marfia
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