Saturday, March 12, 2011

Free Clip Art Aunt Maxine

Ado About Nothing

Before we begin, I wanted to wish a good walk to all those who participate in the event of CAT.

addition of provocative questions were asked: "How can you be allies in the 17 who go to work? "and things like that. reply: alliances are made to achieve goals that are common, although not always get along on some values. That during the Second World War USA and the USSR had the same principles of democracy and respect for human rights? for Manco idea! But they fought together to win against Hitler. I did not think they were both in agreement on international politics DS, Margherita, PRC and various parties of the left etc etc.. when they dropped Prodi on Afghanistan - with a lot of international fool. But they had to win allies against Berlusconi. Bottom line: although League and PDL are far apart on the meaning of the Unit National does not mean that we should tear alliance. A Dolo up to the highest levels. And the alliance PDL-League, for the goals that we have to get together, it is absolutely unbreakable.

We get to because of today's post. Yesterday an article appeared in more depth what is written on New last Sunday in which the mayor Gotthard not celebrate the national independence. E 'has been written that will work, but the mayor will actually a day like any other: indeed, a day by the mayor, who works a casino spending the day on the phone - but only to ask, huh: who got the brilliant idea to request a meeting with the citizenship on the Budget? - And as you also all the other councilors and advisers in green shirt. But there is also the thick PDL patrol that will celebrate the Independence Day: among others, who is writing just now. The story seemed to end there, with Gei who wrote by hand a letter pointing out the institutional role of mayor as first citizen of the town of Dolo, until proven otherwise, is the first city of a coastal village that is part of the Italian Republic. Dolo also organized a series of initiatives that were presented by the Culture Pra Antonio during the city council on Thursday, one to which I have not attended but they told me to be inherent in the budget. At this point, I take the title and the words used by Gazzettino.

reactions after taking a stand on celebration of the unity of Maddalena Gottardo
against Mayor Councillor: "I will feast on 17"
"I left school at the pole dolese two letters: one for the Constitution Italian, the other on the history of the hymn di Mameli. " Pra, in fact, made a gift to students of middle and upper third of a copy of the Italian Constitution, urging teachers to read a dozen articles a week before class. Not only, sent to all schools a CD containing the Inno di Mameli reiterating that he, unlike Mayor's March 17 will celebrate the Unity . Here are the pieces

indicted. From what I've been told this sentence argument with the mayor has never been told. Something that was added just to create a hornet's nest of controversy? Most likely the commissioner Pra attend the event on Wednesday evening in that of Camponogara, together with other young men of the PDL and Dolo Italy-Riviera del Brenta and other political forces. Dear journalists, change strategy: you will never, ever have to put the weeds in most municipal .

Finally, I want to always refer to the piece written by the boys of the Young Italy, given that a reference was made Zen on what the League says Spinello.


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