Monday, February 7, 2011

Rubber Band On Wrist Origin

A book a month

Here's an issue that I wrote at school, whose track was "the utility or futility of the proposed Class 4 ª is called" Book of the Month ".

is now the second school year the teacher of letters Bruno suggested to our class 4 ª And the project "Book of the Month." Each month, in fact, the teacher subtracts one hour Gerusalemme Liberata or Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis for reading the first chapters of a book that should read within thirty days.
The usefulness of this initiative is certainly undeniable and his intentions are admirable: to bring new generations increasingly tivucentriche socialcentriche and literature as the supreme form of communication and art. Allowing them to expand their horizons and increase sensitivity and empathy (as some studies suggest).
The results however are not too satisfactory. Although our kids are always excited about the initiative and also quite involved by reading, then those who will go to retrieve the text and will give you just a quick last counted on the fingers of a hand. To be optimistic. In my view, this is because we see this time as an excuse to skip any hour of teaching in the strict sense or as a temporary leisure, which will leave no legacy after leaving school. You go to the cinema to see the latest Hollywood film, you will leave and move to the next pastime.
Then, as the goal of aggrossare the ranks of the friends of the book, without forcing the kids to do the usual summaries can be easily downloaded from the network (which certainly does not lead to love to read)? The trick is sure to excite students to the stories to be discovered thanks to books, and since everyone has different tastes in this regard, an effective method would be to offer different kinds of stories with plots of the most diverse and different from each other. Everyone then choose the novel that most pleases him. There is still one last obstacle to overcome: how to ensure that the children then take steps to recover the text? You could dust off and promote the use of the old school library. Each school has one, but the room is always less well-known throughout the institution. At that point is up to the individual find the right open-mindedness necessary to undertake an activity that had never seen or had always considered negative.


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