Sunday, February 20, 2011

Is Cm Before Period Dry


So March 17 will celebrate this unit, so that debate (and splits) resulted in the beautiful country. And I'm delighted that we have come to decide to celebrate because the fundamental, but a recurrence should be repeated every year as National Day of Independence, perhaps even more important than any other public holiday (Feast of Liberation Day and the Republic of Victory and National Unity made) must be not only a celebration of this year alone, but should be included each year in America is celebrated on July 4th, we are here we should celebrate March 17.

The thing that I want to emphasize, however, is that , so far, it appears they are living a missed opportunity. What we hope is that, beyond the slogan "Born to unite", TO BE EXAMINED so strong in those 150 years, not only to celebrate. As someone who believes that history is a discipline that studies the past to be a warning to the people of that must build the future, I argue that this should be reflected so honest about what has been our life as Italians, but not so much for us, now we have a national understanding individual, more for young people, the future, which, apparently, of what is happening around it does not cares that much. should address these issues with greater intellectual honesty and accepting those who believe that the unit has not to be celebrating .

should, for starters, talking textbook pages less noble of the Risorgimento, as there were, and how some states, such as the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, had at the time of the epic of a Thousand of the richest states of the peninsula; you should begin to talk about the Nov. 4 not only unexpected in light of a military victory that we can bring pride and accomplishment of national unity, but also to remember the terrible suffering that the war has led to the soldiers, placed in the hands of generals officers and almost incapable, you should speak with more honesty and strength of the April 25 release that did not happen only because of the partisans, but above all thanks to the Allies without which no liberation struggle took place, and we must speak also of the fact that after April 25 broke a showdown that led to the deaths of thousands of civilians that nothing have to do with the political strife of those years, shot dead only because of not being Communists must remind everyone that during the economic boom million southerners are coming to live in the northern cities to operate industries and to remember again what were the years of lead and what it was the end of the First Republic.

speak honestly in our history . It 's a gift that we as a people that is not just partying and celebrating 150 years of independence, but should remember how he became a people. Recalling also two other things, two other concepts that are fundamental to the current political the North-South distinctions are also present in other countries and are much more strong and incisive than here, and the federalism that is being carried out in recent years on a workhorse of the Northern League and other secessionist movements is not a concept of separation from the rest of Italy, but that the U.S. federal and Europeans have proposed as a concept of merging multiple states / regions / counties in a single system strong and compact and able to compete with other systems . Federalism should therefore not be a Trojan horse to lead to secession, autonomy, perhaps, but not separation. Also because, and I conclude, behave the secession of the northern regions of Italy would be a gesture ahistorical: in a time when it comes to European Union and globalization economy and the media, form new states is something absolutely out of this world . Pull out your

Tricolor, which were deposited by July 9, 2006; riprendeteli and come and celebrate together the mayors and all the compatriots in the Independence National Camponogara March 16.


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