Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Is There Arsnic In Almonds

The leaflet controversy

Of course the Democratic Party has the leaflet issued in Dolo's center outside Mass on Sunday morning caused a fuss ... so today came the firm reply of the Northern League coordinator of Dolo Mauro Spinello and you can find on Gazzettino .

First things first. Sunday, 12 noon. It was cold and give me a flyer that says "GAME OVER - filed for bankruptcy." I take the compliments and thank you for the blog. Then I read the flyer calmly. In the bottom of the sheet it says: "Together let us tell to go home! " ... in 5 years, I think. Then I read the reasons:
1) Thanks to the friends of the League and the PDL to the Government, Region and Province, Dolo would be spared from the great works: Objective Failed! Romea Sales, Truck sull'Idrovia, Veneto City, overhead electrical power lines already exist!
I think to myself: I do not think so. Apart electroduct we did not know the area and then fly over, but on Commercial Romea to start the work should at least have a well-defined path. Yet, in the City Council the other day Gaspari parent questioned the mayor about the possibility of seeing the Romea go in the town of Mira rather than in Dolo. In short, we are still far in deciding the route, and perhaps not even touch our country. According to council at the last, we know that all political forces will make every effort to ensure that the Romea dolesi not pass along the Riviera. Sull'idrovia lorry and Veneto City are not yet realities.
2) the center put the family: Objective Failed! More than doubled the cost of the School, at risk of closing the nursery, rose by more than 50% of the cost of niches, large increases in the cost of food stamps to school lunch!
On this we can discuss it, although I think it is an obligation on the rise more than school bus service because the service charge of 104 € is the lowest in the Riviera . In addition, the same company providing the service is now in crisis because it fails to cover the costs - the mayor said Tuesday at the presentation of series of lectures on PDS. According to spend the public service in other municipalities, there may also be increased. Maybe they could increase gradually over the years instead of making a sudden increase, however, you must arrange. Nursery: it speaks to privatize, or outsource the service. Well, it was found in the famous evening a week ago that the past administration has decided to outsource the service of asylum. At that time it was not possible to work around this problem, now it looks like there is no other solution. And on the externalization of the service on Tuesday no one had dared to counter the opposition and go against the mayor that he was saying. And we continue
3) We will Dolo the great tourist center of the Riviera, revitalizing and supporting trade associations: Objective Failed! The associations have been mortified, all cultural activities that bring vitality and tourism have been eliminated (Carnival of the Storti, Theatre Season, Valentine's Day ..) and was not given any response to trade!
associations have not been that much mortified. Ok, have not received funding because otherwise they threatened to jump with the Stability Pact, intentionally in slippage of approximately € 430,000 at June 30, 2010. But it is also true that will be useful for the country. When did all I say all the associations have been called into question the organization of the Carnival of the Storti? I think this is the first time. For heaven's sake, because it calls into question in times of need, but in the end their part to save the carnival will make (and excellently). Carnival of the Storti took a sabbatical, you can not use the name because trademark, but there will be another carnival. So the event, at the end, there will be the same. Someone has also highlighted the fact that there are no major events: time to act as sponsor, on February 4 Dolo will be touched by an exceptional event to commemorate the Day of Remembrance will take part as the son of Giorgio Perlasca, Franco, to tell the story of his father in Budapest who saved the lives of thousands of Hungarian Jews from deportation and death, and the day 9, in collaboration with the school Lazzari, will hold a celebration in memory of martyrs at the Dalmatian-Julian Day of remembrance.
short, between 5 years the current administration transmit their duties in the hands of citizens. At the time of resignation, not even talk about it (rightly).

The signal of the leaflet, however, was evident . Intent has always been the principle of every political initiative in any field. And as soon you will vote in Fiesso, Fossa, Vigonovo Campolongo Maggiore and the Pd dolese from the signal to begin the campaign.


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