Friday, January 7, 2011

What Size Knife Do Teppanyaki Chefs Use

"12 hours of swimming, all together for Stephen!

Two thousand euro for Stephen. This
the amounts collected in the event oc-tunity

"12 hours of swimming, all set to
event that took place on Sunday 28 in the pool of
Paullo. The event, which raised a hundred professional swimmers and

not, is the continuation of a series of events organized by
mitato "All for Stefano and parents
bulls Amedeo and Cristina. Funds that know no-
served to fly in Thailand in the
-August, and facing a first-
mo course of treatment and transplantation of stem cell-
. Care they have given the first results

affected by the small West syndrome. Special guest of the day was
Paola Chiarini,
already known for the crossing of Lake
Garda, Riva del Garda Desenzano-
no, about 53 km. This al-
the event the mayor of Paullo,
Claudio Mazzola, who accom-panied the small
Stefano on board until
bath. In the pool Stefano
could make her "swim" with mam-
but Cristina, Father Amedeo
Chiarino athlete. The day began at 7:30 am and

ended at 19.30, has collected
swimmers from all over Italy. The opening of the event-station has given
Amedeo, percor-
am a swimming pool in the first no-
me of Stephen. Now Stephen is ef-
conduct a series of care here in Ita-lia
, physiotherapy and acupuncture. The next step will be

power back to Bangkok for another round of treatment.
The collection of funds, until now, has recom-
seized € 104,000, of which 37,000 eu-ro
were spent on the first cycle of treatment
. "We can not but thank-cial
each person - has declared
Rato Amedeo d'Errico -. Without the just-
solidarity of all people, we have mo-
able to afford the
start and then the subsequent care. "
Anyone wishing to contribute to the race of so-
nal solidarity for the next transplant
can refer to the current account made out to the pastor of Tri-
Biano Don David Nail (with the-
to1000/1637, at the branch Inte ¬ St. Paul knows
number 08239 Tribe
-no). For the bank: Iba-
(specify the purpose as the reason.

Jennifer Marfia


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