Hometown: Milan
Age: 24 years
status: maiden girlfriend of 8 years
Academic Title: Publicist entered the Order of Journalists of Lombardia, graduating in Communication and Society
Duties: freelance journalist for 7 days and tested for other South Milanese photographer and video journalist
Hobbies: videomaking, photography and writing, or my work
As a child I wanted to do: the princess wanted to marry a prince
My experience in 7 days: My passion for journalism has been like a thunderbolt: it was love at first sight. I was in fifth top and I saw a TV news Enrico Mentana, which dealt with Oriana Fallaci. Just then I figured, after 10 years, to be a journalist. The idea immediately struck me as absurd, especially because I always hated this profession. Subsequently, it all happened naturally, above all, I found people who believed in me, starting with my former professor of Italian in high school. Not deny that it was tough and still is. Municipal councils and a half until one night phone calls at any time day and sometimes late into the evening, nights spent writing articles and poor remuneration. This is the life of the journalist, but I can not say I did not have a lot of satisfaction when I started. My experience started with 7 days in September 2009, almost by accident. Since then I have grown a lot and also my professional experiences have increased. 7 days gave me the chance to express myself well in my other passion: video journalism. With Channel 7 days, in fact, I also started a great little adventure into the world of film makers.
What I hope for 2011: I hope to finally find my true identity in journalism, to continue my collaboration and perhaps even deepen more. I also hope to be able to do to best develop 7days Channel, for which I have so many hopes and many good intentions.
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