Sunday, September 13, 2009


The poster

Here's an evident that among the 15 most important German online journalists and bloggers drew up to rethink the era of Internet journalism.
Translation .

1. "The Internet is different "- The new media is very different than other media. Who wants to work in the field of information to adapt its practices to the technological reality of today instead of ignoring and challenging the world media. We must produce new products news and better.

2. " Internet is a media empire pocket " - Thanks to the internet you can make an excellent journalism without huge investments. The reorganization of the existing structures of web media abbattendendo the old boundaries that existed between newspapers, television, radio etc..

3. " Internet is our society and our Internet company "- Wikipedia, YouTube and social networking sites have become a part of everyday life for most people in the western world. The media, whether they will survive the contemporary technological revolution, they must understand the legitimate interests of the new users and embrace their forms of communication.

4. " Internet freedom is inviolable " - The journalism of the XXI century must adapt to communicate digitally 'open architecture of the Internet. It is unacceptable that this freedom is limited in the name of commercial or political interests, often presented as the general public. partially block access Internet threatens the free flow of information and the fundamental right to be informed.

5. " Internet is the information victory" - For the first time thanks to the Internet, the user can click through and really learn how search engines draw on a wealth of great information.

6. "The changes web improve journalism" - Thanks to Internet journalism can act in a completely new socio-educational. This means presenting news changing by a relentless process. Who wants to practice journalism should be stimulated by a new idealism and understand that the resources offered by the Internet is an incredible incentive to improve.

7. "The network requires connections " - The network is made up of links. Who does not use them excludes himself from the social debate and the same applies to the Websites of traditional media.

8. "Linking awards, embellishing quote" - Who is online journalism has to offer you a more complete product. Linking sources and quote them directly and allows us to know more fully the issues which were debated.

9. " Internet is the new venue for political discourse "- The journalism of the twenty-first century is to ensure that the political debate moves more and more on the network so the public can participate directly in political speeches and tell her.

10." Today freedom of the press means freedom of opinion "- Journalists need not fear that the network can diminish their task is to select the news and information. The real dichotomy that makes the Internet instead is that between good and bad journalism.

11. "Increasingly : the information is never too " - Since ancient times mankind has realized that you have more information than is great freedom. Internet is the medium that can most of all can increase our freedom.

12. " Tradition is not a business model " - As evidenced by today's reality is already possible to do good journalism on the internet and earn money. We must not ignore the technological development because it will destroy, according to some newspaper companies, but we must have the courage to invest and expand the multimedia platform.

13. " The copyright on the Internet becomes a civic duty " - The network must respect the copyright, but also the system of copyright must adapt to new distribution models and do not close in the mechanisms of supply in the past.

14. "The Internet has many currencies " - The most traditional way to finance the newspaper online is through advertising. Other ways to finance the journalistic product should be tested.

15. "This 'that remains on the network is the network " - The journalism of the XXI century is no longer something transient. Through the network, everything remains in the memory archives and search engines and what makes text, sound and images are recoverable and represent sources of contemporary history. This stimulates to develop a quality better.

16. " Quality remains the most important qualities " - User requirements are increasing. For a user remains faithful to a particular online newspaper, it must ensure quality and meet the demands of the player without giving up their principles.

17. "Everything for Everyone " - Internet journalism has shown that the user of the XXI century is demanding and in case of doubt about an item is ready to study the source to be better informed. The journalists of the XXI century has shown that we look for are those that have not only answers, but those who are willing to communicate and investigate.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Men Wearing Swimsuits

Gossip cauntri

Until recently, almost on TV was out, the Net but there was no talk of nothing else. I refer the investigation of Bari (aka Puttanopoli) and all that entails for the image of our president of the board and, consequently, of our country. In fact served to make a porn scandal indignant public opinion as never before. The citizens of the beautiful country were not so angry or processes for the premier, nor for its television campaign, or for ad personam laws assiduously varava and launches today. And to make matters worse it was rumored (before the G8-cocktail disinformation) of a possible collapse of the government, news that, in hindsight, proved unfounded, though. Perhaps thanks to the new director of Tg1 Augusto Minzolini that, after working all his life gossip, now that the gossip is mixed with the political right in the person of Silvio Berlusconi, decided that the news does not inform her about these frivolous facts . But a person employed by the dictator can not understand that the news of public interest must always be given by an organ of information, it is up to you to understand what are the facts that must contribute to the formation of his political opinion and give their own opinion on a story like the one in question, where the prime minister's private life (the that go with the escort) mixes with the public (the context of Palazzo Grazioli and institutional events marinated). From the reactions that followed, it seems that the Italians are not able to make this distinction and they care a lot about this story seen on the upper floors of each company (see Sircana in Italy and Clinton in the U.S., sorry for the combination) not worrying about instead of anti-democratic tendencies that our country is undergoing, whose fault is largely of Mr Berlusconi.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

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Letter to Giampietro Sestini

Here is the email I wrote to Giampietro Sestini, Secretary of the Guarantee of the Democratic Party today denied that the membership (and thus the nomination in the primaries) Beppe Grillo.

Dear Mr. Sestini,
your decision not to admit Beppe Grillo's candidacy for the primary of your party not only confirms the suspicions of many: the Democratic Party has little democratic and therefore is certainly not an alternative to the authoritarian right of Berlusconi and never will be if you continue to give priority to this line of protection of caste and closed to the public. I hope you change your decision to show even a little donation.
Fabio Fontana

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Does Suposatories Get Rid Of Himroids

strike today

This blog is on strike today against the Alfano Bill, with the "right of reply," that foolishly want to also apply to the Net, as the final goal to close all the blogs and social networks on the web, limiting the de facto ' last bastion of free information in Italy.
Read 's Point Computer article on the law being approved in Parliament.

Friday, June 26, 2009

What Does Air In Your Bladder Mean?

Where is the democracy of the referendum?

Sunday 21 and Monday, June 22 more than fifty million Italians were called to the polls to express their views on a referendum of three questions, three different crosses to mark the box 'yes' or that' no ". But all Italians knew what it was? The answer can be understood by the percentage of actual voters, a record in negative in nearly 150 years of the Italian Republic: 23.3% in the first two questions, 23.8% in the third. This data provides ample evidence that people are not going to vote simply because they did not know what they should speak up, because of the remembrance never too little freedom of information, and not because they are interested in the so-called direct democracy. I say this because some "guru" of politics, both right and left, saw this statistic as a total disregard for the sacred institution referendum and not as a clear statement of position, however, suggested by some political factions. In fact these calls from this or that party were the only times where news and newspapers have spoken of the referendum, were not seen or debates or analysis by which the voter could understand the pros and cons of the questions abrogation. The only granted by the second national TV spot from the shorter ones were always the same formula: "in case of victory, yes, the majority of the premium will go to the party that took the most votes," but no one has explained what this phantom "majority premium" or even "in case of victory, yes, the opportunity to apply will be abolished in most jurisdictions," but no one has explained what we are and what the districts serve italioti couch potatoes to the poor. A lack unintended? No. Just another way to show who is boss. But one day the nodes will be laid on the table.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Letters Announcing Doctor

media: weapons of mass distraction

runs the network for some time a cartoon that tells the devolution of man from primate to Homo sapiens, adding after that a man and sits hunched in front of the TV. Is this really the future that awaits us? A total dependence on the mass media?
The intent of the means of mass communication is in their definition: to pass a message, the same, to an audience as large as possible to the mass precisely. This category includes television, print, Internet and to a lesser extent, radio and cinema. Each of these media often helps to create a single thought, a superficial spreading, a person to accept what we are told and think of it as absolute truth. About
amplifies this phenomenon is definitely the TV that, quick messages to and understood by all, requires thought patterns to passive users, as happens with the press, do not have the opportunity to respond stating their opinion and are therefore only forced to receive the message and take it for real. But this does not happen with the Network, being a community, giving equal space to anyone who has ideas, opinions, information sharing, with the option for the recipient to object. In Internet prevail, however, quick messages that need immediate interest, which precludes their investigation of a case. On the Internet there is also the presence of social networks and chat, all technologies that, together with mobile phones, are created and developed to promote the direct and continuous communication between people, forming community groups and sometimes global, require some obstacles to having free opinion, without conditions, that is influencing the musical tastes, how to dress, how to relate to others, stemming the creation of a distinguished personality. In fact, the baseness of the issues faced by newspaper and television is reflected on society, on the ability of reasoning and linear thinking of each individual, leading to a set of anonymous people, empty of content.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Does Orange Juice Cause More Mucus

If you heat the senator

carried an article in L'Express last week that says a lot about how our politicians think about the problem of global warming.

The greenhouse effect does not exist. But if there is not too bad. Word of Antonio D'Ali from Trapani, president of the Senate Environment Committee. The first signatory of a motion - approved by the Senate with 122 yes, 5 no and 92 abstained - calling on the government to intervene because the EU Commission to divest its "absolute certainties "about global warming, throw overboard the" catastrophic "Stern Review and consider other possibilities: that the warming is not so strong, that is not due to carbon dioxide emitted by factories and SUVs, and a bit 'hot can do well. Consider, the EU, that "although there was a result of increased concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increase the Earth's temperature, the resulting damage to the environment, the economy and the all'incolumità inhabitants of the planet would be much smaller than those set out in that Stern and even more opposed to the potential benefits. "

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

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Co-management for dummies

several years now, in many high schools across Italy, it was decided to join the three hours per month which by law may be allocated to student assemblies, school in a few days managed independently by the students. This activity is commonly called co-management. In our institution Caravaggio (Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei, ed), this initiative has been tested over time and has become an annual event.
Nevertheless a large faction of teachers, school staff and (even) students, carries on a real crusade against it.
They argue that in fact thanks to the co-management is missing important lessons. But they can really be harmful to our minds three or four hours of Latin and mathematics in less? The arguments of these critics do not end there. In fact, they also argue that students participate little, and those who take part, do not behave responsibly. This is refuted by the fact that attendance this year were very numerous (average 85.5%) and almost similar to a normal school day. And as the idea that students are irresponsible during this event, it must be acknowledged that there has been no serious accidents particularly from the point of view of behavior.
As regards, however, the majority of people in the school, the immediate question is: co-management is excellent activities, to repeat and improve on a few simple reasons.
First, the initiative starts from the students, is organized by students and is owned by the students, who demonstrate awareness of their role and fulfill it in the best way, especially the efficient organization of representatives, who are in charge of the work. Therefore, it helps to grow a sense of responsibility of the individual, either individually, in a broader context, which his group, the class or the whole school. Secondly, the co-management helps socialize students and the mutual exchange of ideas, opinions and experiences. Then if we go on in the event, we realize that the neglect of the mathematical equations for a few days and dates of history in favor of topical issues that relate to politics, society and culture, it is good for our minds, which can better understand the problems that surround us.
Certainly the co-management needs improvement here and there, such as greater attention to technical details (the projection of films, the lecture theater ...) and a better distribution of the speakers, but as a whole is certainly excellent activity that all have reason to appreciate.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

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A new Renaissance ... No one to five stars

was the ultimate anti-political, was the man with no ideas that says a lot of profanity, was the 'arch-Italian of the worst. " Today Beppe Grillo has shown all his many detractors of being the man that Italy needs, surrounded by people that Italy needs. In fact, as I write, in Florence is held the first meeting of the national civil lists to five stars, which will be presented at the next elections. These are groups of people who believe in the policy making and, especially, have new ideas, virtuous, efficient and useful. The five stars are for five fields that underpin the foundations of their election programs: water, energy, development, environment, transportation. During the show, the theater capital Sashall of Florence, on the stage were Many speakers followed the likes of Beppe Grillo (the organizer), Marco Travaglio, Sonia Alfano, Jacopo For and other experts of different fields of work, but they made the exception the many components of the various MeetUp and civic lists, which recounted their experiences in the movement by sharing their plans and their intentions. The meeting ended shortly after 5:30 p.m., after almost 8 hours non-stop. Who attended in person or via live stream, despite the tiredness, he will go home happy and motivated to make Italy a better country.
They never give up (but the interest?), Neither will we.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

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touch latinorum

place an article of mine which was published in my high school newspaper. Before the original article, then the right one for publication.

the wake of the U.S., Germany and France and with the new government, even in Italy we start talking about the abolition of the teaching of Latin in high schools, especially in science, which will be replaced by a second foreign language.
But we are sure that by deleting the language schools of Ovid and Cicero will help to bring education to the apexes of the Italian international rankings? Or more likely it's just another way to devalue? Is not the Latin language is at the root of our own? So, banish this idiom seems unrealistic, since, if you must do without the status quo, it could reduce the hours of training per week, given that equal or exceed those of other materials, but today the most important.
Latin is relevant to the cultural background of an individual as it helps to develop and increase capacity of logical, rational, cognitive, and thanks to its complex morphosyntactic structures, makes it more rewarding learning Italian, giving the possibility to train times much more articulate and expand your vocabulary. It is therefore a way to learn how to express themselves more natural, allowing you to better explain what goes through your mind. Moreover, one could read and study the great Latin writers of the past, such as Ovid, Virgil, Tacitus, without deep knowledge of this language. Regarding the practical standpoint, Latin is also useful in the selection and enter certain universities, mainly in the humanities. Finally, one could say that Latin in the United States, despite having been abolished as a compulsory subject for some time, each year the percentage of people who participate in courses and requiring certification in this discipline continues to increase.
However a good number of students (and others) believe that the study of Latin is completely useless nowadays.
Their reasons relate to the fact that language is a so-called "dead", that is not spoken anymore, and that takes away time from other subjects in profits in the future world of work.
With regard to the fact that a language is "dead" does not mean that it did not live again in the works of ancient Latin authors mentioned above, the foundations of our culture. While it is true that takes time away from other disciplines, but it is better to have more ability to reason, who know a few more ideas about subjects that may not have any profit in the future.
So there is no doubt the usefulness of Latin in the cultural development of a person, but it is equally true that in the high schools the number of hours of study of this discipline are really too much, so without resorting to its total abolition, and unjust, would be sufficient to reduce the study time, perhaps encouraging more specialized materials.

the wake of the U.S., Germany and France, in Italy you start to talk about the abolition of the teaching of Latin in high schools, especially in science, which will be replaced by a second foreign language.
But we are sure that by deleting the language schools of Ovid and Cicero will help to bring education to the apexes of the Italian international rankings? Or is it not only more likely, another way to devalue? Is not the Latin language that is at the root of our own? So banish the study of this language seems unnecessarily drastic choice, since, if you really want to change things, it could reduce their weekly hours of teaching, seeing that equal or exceed those of other subjects, just as important today.
Latin, in fact, is relevant to the cultural background of an individual, helping to develop and increase capacity of logical, rational, cognitive, and thanks to its complex morphosyntactic structures, makes it easier to learn Italian, improving the ability to form a lot of times more complex and enriching your vocabulary. It is therefore a way to learn to speak more naturally, allowing you to better explain what goes through your mind.
also could not read and study the great composers of the past, such as Ovid, Virgil, Tacitus, without deep knowledge of this language.
From practical point of view, Latin is also useful in the selection and attendance at certain universities, not only in the humanities, because the language of many scientific disciplines has its main base in Latin. How can we not enough, in the United States, where high school and universities have always preferred the technical and scientific subjects, they are rediscovering the language of Caesar and Cicero, as evidenced by the increased number of courses required by students.
convince, however, the tenacious critics of the Latin is difficult.
A fair proportion of students (and others) believe, in fact, that the study of Latin is completely useless nowadays.
For the party of the abolitionists, it is a language called "dead", that is not spoken anymore, that takes away time from other subjects, the most useful in the future world of work.
This is refuted, However, the fact that it lives on, as well as in the immortal works, even in many modern languages, institutions still in force. There is a referendum, the quorum for elections, the misunderstandings, the legendary "carpe diem", and much more.
Sure, it is true that takes time away from other disciplines, but have more reasoning skills and more tools for understanding our world is important and will help us do so many occasions that part of the Renzo poor, confused by the " latinorum "Don Abbondio.
not abolish, therefore, but to reorganize in order to give adequate attention to all the major disciplines today.

Interestingly, the first row is gone, the words "and the new government" ...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What Hapend To Fakku?

Declaration openly unheard

sixty years have passed well from the 10 December 1948, when the United Nations General Assembly approved in Paris after three years of writing, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the wake of good intentions taken after the atrocities of World War II. Nonetheless, all countries in the world, more or less, are far from application in full.
In fact, the thirty articles that make up the document form a code of ethics with an ideological rather than legal value, since it is not respected nor enforced.
Items that are employed by the reality of things can be easily distinguished. Even Article 5, which condemned torture and inhuman punishments, is not highly regarded in many countries, where, for example, there is the death penalty and torture, also as a method of interrogation. Article 7 states, unheard, equality before the law. In fact, in every nation, even the most "free", there is always a small circle of rich and powerful "more equal" than others. In Italy, for example, the political class has a number of legal privileges ensure that its members sometimes impunity. This is in contrast not only with the paper in question, even with the Constitution of our republic. The pre-trial detention, in force in many states, is in contradiction with Article 9, which states that no one shall be arbitrarily detained. Article 19 submissions on the freedom of opinion and expression, combined with the freedom to seek, receive and impart information through any means. No country is truly free from this point of view, nor Italy, which is in shameful positions in international rankings of nations with more freedom of the press, being very far from the other Western countries. Article 21 enshrines the right to participate in the government of your country and choose the representatives, which in Italy is not possible due to the current electoral law, and under conditions of equality of access to public service, other law supplanted by the widespread corruption and the various recommendations . The prerogative to have a job and a decent salary is established by Article 23 of this declaration, which is also not applied and demonstrated by the wide phenomenon of insecurity and unemployment.
This long string of violations should be reduced until it disappears, the Governments of all countries, with the objectives of the document in the foreground in their programs, while the so-called fourth power should remember the statement, not only in the anniversary of its promulgation, but each time it is violated by one or more people at the top or bottom of the social pyramid.