Wednesday, January 14, 2009

What Hapend To Fakku?

Declaration openly unheard

sixty years have passed well from the 10 December 1948, when the United Nations General Assembly approved in Paris after three years of writing, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the wake of good intentions taken after the atrocities of World War II. Nonetheless, all countries in the world, more or less, are far from application in full.
In fact, the thirty articles that make up the document form a code of ethics with an ideological rather than legal value, since it is not respected nor enforced.
Items that are employed by the reality of things can be easily distinguished. Even Article 5, which condemned torture and inhuman punishments, is not highly regarded in many countries, where, for example, there is the death penalty and torture, also as a method of interrogation. Article 7 states, unheard, equality before the law. In fact, in every nation, even the most "free", there is always a small circle of rich and powerful "more equal" than others. In Italy, for example, the political class has a number of legal privileges ensure that its members sometimes impunity. This is in contrast not only with the paper in question, even with the Constitution of our republic. The pre-trial detention, in force in many states, is in contradiction with Article 9, which states that no one shall be arbitrarily detained. Article 19 submissions on the freedom of opinion and expression, combined with the freedom to seek, receive and impart information through any means. No country is truly free from this point of view, nor Italy, which is in shameful positions in international rankings of nations with more freedom of the press, being very far from the other Western countries. Article 21 enshrines the right to participate in the government of your country and choose the representatives, which in Italy is not possible due to the current electoral law, and under conditions of equality of access to public service, other law supplanted by the widespread corruption and the various recommendations . The prerogative to have a job and a decent salary is established by Article 23 of this declaration, which is also not applied and demonstrated by the wide phenomenon of insecurity and unemployment.
This long string of violations should be reduced until it disappears, the Governments of all countries, with the objectives of the document in the foreground in their programs, while the so-called fourth power should remember the statement, not only in the anniversary of its promulgation, but each time it is violated by one or more people at the top or bottom of the social pyramid.


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