Saturday, June 20, 2009

Letters Announcing Doctor

media: weapons of mass distraction

runs the network for some time a cartoon that tells the devolution of man from primate to Homo sapiens, adding after that a man and sits hunched in front of the TV. Is this really the future that awaits us? A total dependence on the mass media?
The intent of the means of mass communication is in their definition: to pass a message, the same, to an audience as large as possible to the mass precisely. This category includes television, print, Internet and to a lesser extent, radio and cinema. Each of these media often helps to create a single thought, a superficial spreading, a person to accept what we are told and think of it as absolute truth. About
amplifies this phenomenon is definitely the TV that, quick messages to and understood by all, requires thought patterns to passive users, as happens with the press, do not have the opportunity to respond stating their opinion and are therefore only forced to receive the message and take it for real. But this does not happen with the Network, being a community, giving equal space to anyone who has ideas, opinions, information sharing, with the option for the recipient to object. In Internet prevail, however, quick messages that need immediate interest, which precludes their investigation of a case. On the Internet there is also the presence of social networks and chat, all technologies that, together with mobile phones, are created and developed to promote the direct and continuous communication between people, forming community groups and sometimes global, require some obstacles to having free opinion, without conditions, that is influencing the musical tastes, how to dress, how to relate to others, stemming the creation of a distinguished personality. In fact, the baseness of the issues faced by newspaper and television is reflected on society, on the ability of reasoning and linear thinking of each individual, leading to a set of anonymous people, empty of content.


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