Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Install Aquatech Filter

What I wanted to write today ... A flower for

... It was a post that involved the two topics of recent days. Since I'm not here to play the post in its entirety, I give you a quick summary about what I think.

Just a few words to sum up what has been written yesterday about New by CAT " Hope is the last to die . From this moment on Venice should seriously consider what happened last Saturday for 3500 participants are quite a number. You must get back to policy, one with a capital P, and decisions taken without consultation from government and committees are no longer valid and will be returned to the sender - even if a study on Veneto City because it would that are not so negative.

Then it was scribbled on New commitments today but I stopped only to read the poster: it is arguable that the mayor, the council and councilors in green go to work on 17 open into the hall and offices. But I think it's a controversy out of place that the authorization to dealers to keep open the shops. If a trader / operator wants to open his own business , makes me quite indifferent.

And then, frankly, who wants to work work, while citizens will be free to place a flower at the monument to Garibaldi at 10 am on Thursday morning.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Vegetable Chow Mein Nutritional Value

Garibaldi, a toast to Italy

Take advantage of the space to advertise an event that will be held on March 17 at the monument to Garibaldi.


Let 's from 10 am to 12 noon at the monument to Garibaldi to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Italian State.

free citizens of Dolo.

I should emphasize that this initiative NOT you participate with symbols of the party.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tatoo, Font Generator


As I understand it, better not write post after seeing the news or read on the game of rugby of the National cause adverse effects to my mind and consequently to my post.

I have to point out the phrase written on Saturday afternoon in hot demand after the event was a bit ... 'well, let's say. The observation to make is that what I saw and heard was: a minority has some 'stained the meaning of the event trying to throw it in politics or " put his hat." Perhaps those who took to the streets with the flags of the PD and IDV - keep Sel excluded, because in the end if you do not take to the streets in a party that his name has the word "Ecology" who else could do it? - He's cheated in the previous days of the appeal to the press by the organizers, who are the congratulations for having organized a rally of this mold, colorful and useful, much more useful than other events that take place both right and left and that he deserved more space on local and national press. " cares who cares! " avran thought those few with the banner: the opportunity was tempting, because they pass up?? And who cares even care to all those who do not think like us, who might vote right and often took to the streets because the cement do not want it.

Well, that's all. No one wanted to tarnish the work of the organizers, as has been commented by Sj. Also because it was enough to read a post below to understand which one, has pushed this blog, even though we are deployed with two opposing factions.

And, despite everything, remains the same puzzled, because she was singing "Hello Beautiful", which is a song that evokes the partisan struggle against the invader, when maybe someone could be annoying? And to think that the slogan on Chisso was much more appropriate! Then, the flag of the PNA. I thought it was to see her, you see that I have not been so attentive and I messed with some other flag.

Moral of the story. No one here questions the meaning of the feast. The only thing to do was to distance himself from that group of people took to the streets with flags of political parties because, according I have seen only a wonderful opportunity to put their hat.

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Dolo Carnival 2011: the official program

Ready program Dolo of the Carnival of 2011, drawn by the artistic director of the event Umberto Cogno. The initiatives presented by the Town Council in collaboration with Ascom Services Ltd Riviera, will be realized through the efforts of a group of local voluntary associations, which have instilled in their efforts for the Carnival Committee.

Sunday, March 27, 2011, therefore, the proclamation of the official opening of the Carnival at 14.00 from the stage, in front of the Cathedral.

one another, in the historic center, the parades of the following groups:
- Harley Motorcycles Davidson
- Old cars;
- horse-drawn carriages;
- Masks are part of the floats;
- appearing dressed in haute couture local
- Masks individual;
- Group in period costumes;
- Majorettes;
- flag bearers, drummers and jugglers;
- Tourist train;
- Children in schools for children;
- Skaters;
- Dancers country;
- dance company of women.

At 17.00, the street parade of floats. Furthermore, during the afternoon, the sky is crossed by an airman Dolo, who will dedicate his performance to the public airways.

the same time, will Dolo so animated:

SQUARE YARD AND SQUERO monumental space dedicated alCarnevale Children. Make-up artists, the theater of the 'Sleeping Beauty', karaoke and dancing with entertainment for children.

BOARIO BAR: Luna Park with rides.

BRIDGE OF MILLS: typical Venetian boats.

MAZZINI VIA, VIA B. CAIROLI stalls for trade on a public area.

VIA Guoli: Antique Market.

SQUARE CITY HALL: country dance.

CATHEDRAL AREA: medieval hut.

For those who wish to refresh themselves with a free snack:

Sautee CLAM in the garden of Piazza Municipio;
MIXED CICCHETTI gazebo in Via Cairoli;
a glass of wine in Riva Menacao;
Galan and pancakes in Piazza Duomo and near the Shipyard. For those who want

groped fortune, is MILLESOGNI lottery tickets at a cost of one euro, are already available in stores in Dolo, but will be distributed on Sunday of the carnival. The prizes consist of gift vouchers to spend in the shops of the town (the first prize has a value of 1,500 €).

tourist train, the carriages with the horses and the Venetian boats will be available to children for a ride through the streets of the carnival - even water.
'Dolo Carnival 2011' will also be the subject of a photo competition by the Office of Productive Activities and Tourism. And the shop windows (open) of Dolo, graced by the paintings of the association 'Dolo writing and painting', is dressed all in celebration. The most colorful will be rewarded.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Facebook Nadine Jensen

Forgive the ignorance ... Attempted

But what enters Maroni, "Hello Beautiful" and the flag ANPI with the peaceful and colorful event today??

Free Clip Art Aunt Maxine

Ado About Nothing

Before we begin, I wanted to wish a good walk to all those who participate in the event of CAT.

addition of provocative questions were asked: "How can you be allies in the 17 who go to work? "and things like that. reply: alliances are made to achieve goals that are common, although not always get along on some values. That during the Second World War USA and the USSR had the same principles of democracy and respect for human rights? for Manco idea! But they fought together to win against Hitler. I did not think they were both in agreement on international politics DS, Margherita, PRC and various parties of the left etc etc.. when they dropped Prodi on Afghanistan - with a lot of international fool. But they had to win allies against Berlusconi. Bottom line: although League and PDL are far apart on the meaning of the Unit National does not mean that we should tear alliance. A Dolo up to the highest levels. And the alliance PDL-League, for the goals that we have to get together, it is absolutely unbreakable.

We get to because of today's post. Yesterday an article appeared in more depth what is written on New last Sunday in which the mayor Gotthard not celebrate the national independence. E 'has been written that will work, but the mayor will actually a day like any other: indeed, a day by the mayor, who works a casino spending the day on the phone - but only to ask, huh: who got the brilliant idea to request a meeting with the citizenship on the Budget? - And as you also all the other councilors and advisers in green shirt. But there is also the thick PDL patrol that will celebrate the Independence Day: among others, who is writing just now. The story seemed to end there, with Gei who wrote by hand a letter pointing out the institutional role of mayor as first citizen of the town of Dolo, until proven otherwise, is the first city of a coastal village that is part of the Italian Republic. Dolo also organized a series of initiatives that were presented by the Culture Pra Antonio during the city council on Thursday, one to which I have not attended but they told me to be inherent in the budget. At this point, I take the title and the words used by Gazzettino.

reactions after taking a stand on celebration of the unity of Maddalena Gottardo
against Mayor Councillor: "I will feast on 17"
"I left school at the pole dolese two letters: one for the Constitution Italian, the other on the history of the hymn di Mameli. " Pra, in fact, made a gift to students of middle and upper third of a copy of the Italian Constitution, urging teachers to read a dozen articles a week before class. Not only, sent to all schools a CD containing the Inno di Mameli reiterating that he, unlike Mayor's March 17 will celebrate the Unity . Here are the pieces

indicted. From what I've been told this sentence argument with the mayor has never been told. Something that was added just to create a hornet's nest of controversy? Most likely the commissioner Pra attend the event on Wednesday evening in that of Camponogara, together with other young men of the PDL and Dolo Italy-Riviera del Brenta and other political forces. Dear journalists, change strategy: you will never, ever have to put the weeds in most municipal .

Finally, I want to always refer to the piece written by the boys of the Young Italy, given that a reference was made Zen on what the League says Spinello.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

How To Trade Vba Crystal

I'm sorry ...

Because of commitments signed MOOLTO will be difficult to make various comments etc etc..

However, do not expect me to comment on the City Council yesterday. I do not even know there was!

However, the question of independence, which the press has been reflected in the positions of all but not yet of Young Italy, taking advantage of going to jump on this blog because then you will find the position of the latter .

asks me what I think of what happened?!? Most likely you have not yet figured out how I feel on the issue of Independence celebrations.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Baby Engagement Stages Diagram

Invasion of CAT CAV

This post was written before reading the article in the Gazzettino!

From a CAT CAV is a short step ...

now so do the walls, the bells of recycling and the control unit of Enel, all plastered with posters: next Saturday, the CAT held in Dolo starting at 15, with a procession that starts from the area of sports, going by Arino, via Cairoli, Via Vittorio Veneto, Via Curzio phrases Brentana then go back to the Riviera to the Boarium Forum, where you set up a stage in which artists will perform and others (but this move did not you pay the bid, please).

The purpose of the event is to raise awareness on possible works that could be built in the coming years. There is talk of Romea Commercial of lorry along the Waterway, but also the logistical hub of Clare- Dogaletto , power line, city of fashion and City Veneto. Although some works are still under discussion, others speak as if you were to start soon with the work, while others remain at sea because there is no political coordination between the Province of Venice and the Veneto Region, as the matter is complex, I believe a priori that Romeo and Commercial truck drivers do not have to pass through our territory . The policy, in this case, it seems strafregarsene: In addition to arguing, do not argue with people about what might happen and decisions are lowered from above without being able to say "a". These works, all fell together on an area already affected, could only mean one thing: the failure of the policy.

They can instead on Veneto City they may be useful to the relaunching of the area in terms of employment - although we hope that when Veneto City will light will light if the crisis is already over for some time and with it the crisis of unemployment - but it could bring revenue into municipal coffers in a very heavy for the municipal budget. Not deleted any project and do not say "no" a priori: we must speak of this as an opportunity. Also because the Veneto City project is a project that is tempting and common to many other areas, they are governed by administrators white-red green-blue, just for investment that the proponents could make it rain on their countries.

Dai, said this will open the discussion ....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Patricia Kimberli Tel:

The news can not find the page Dolo on the Brenta Riviera and in general, but in what concerns the Mires. And if you were careless, give it to you this news I.

Until now we were hit by an acronym "cat" CAT. From now on it alongside one has nothing to do with the much more famous, but that in itself puts some hope if the proposal that I am going to go talk to port: CAV - Cavalier that Mr Berlusconi has nothing to do with a strain!

The proposal: Yesterday the mayor of Spinea Checchin was the spokesman of an idea called "provocative" and will now shift the attention of parliamentarians from Veneto. That proposal, which has minimal ability to move forward, with the entry with the status of members by the municipalities affected by the belt loop Cav (Venetian motorway concessions, namely the spa with the task of ANAS repay the sums advanced for the construction of the Mestre, retrieve resources for further investment in infrastructure in the Veneto and manage the complex system of crossing the eastern Veneto region formed by the combination of the loop to the Mestre ring road ) to obtain the proceeds of the work. This challenge has emerged following the removal of benefits for residents of the motorway from Vetrego in Padua, who will have to pay full price because of "crafty" that came out and fell to Vetrego to pay less, engorgement traffic. But another reason is that the promise by the region to the completion of the works of Completion has not been met.

The proposal was backed by the mayor of Dolo, Maddalena Gottardo, together with the common Spinea, Mirano, Scoresby, Salzano, Quarto D'Altino, Pianiga, Mira, Zero Branco, Martock, Marcon and Casale sul Sile.

approve its proposal? I do not think it works. But then, is my pessimistic nature that compels me to this response. We only need to return their previous privileges. But if you got more than we would all be happy, right?