Sunday, March 28, 2010

Difference Between White Cricke

A decline in the style of journalism Web

March 27. The daily act. Page editorials. "Women, trouble free solution: already read a title like this one is quite astonished, and then curiosity gets the better and you decide to read the article. A reading reveals a crescendo of dismay, mixed with an initial rejection of the impression ("There will certainly be a final effect that overturns the primary thesis"). But no, the piece is signed by Massimo Fini announced that the title, something nothing short of appalling. A monument to misogyny. That conjures up ghosts of the far-right ideologies. A continuous generalization. An anthology of cliches against the female gender, which freeze a man like this writer, let alone a woman. Words that do not deserve even to be disproved the merits.
It is regrettable that a newspaper which is considered a lone voice can not even publish a prose that Felt would have dared to accommodate the columns of his newspaper. In short, a disappointment to its readers, who may hope for an isolated drop style. Although Fini thoughts are often reported by Done. An example is the number of 5 December 2009, where as much reporter equates the force of the Executioner Sobibor to attend to your process on a mobile bed (quite horrible, we agree) to the genocide of 27,900 Jews, guilty only of being born as such. Comparison that seems hardly a success.
seems incredible that in 2010 you can still read such nonsense. Why do men (defined as males and females) can not stop dividing second stupid criteria such as gender or ethnicity? Why can not they be considered equal to each other, yet different, in a variety edifying, that does not depend on these parameters?


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