Friday, December 31, 2010

Husband Hates Short Hair

my best work in the expert class to explain the use of fireworks

fun without getting hurt. " It is the watchword
Gaetano Carenzi, blaster
and "expert" on fire
fireworks. Carenzi shot

local schools to bring their experience to young students
struggling with Pops New Year's Eve.
recent appointments to the safety

were broadly
school and Mombretto
Bustighera. Lessons
always very attended by children
and from the explanations that remain impressed

involved with many questions. Less than 38 students of
two classes of sixth grade, and 63 children, first-
sections A, B and C,
took part in the lesson of the "master"
of fireworks.
"After 40 years of business I can be satisfied

have always worked well and has confidence in


without ever having accidents. Experience in schools

taken about six years ago. A lady
spurred me and advised me to prune my knowledge

young students doing the course.

This woman had lost her child due to
a firework. " The danger comes mostly

after New Year's Eve, when fireworks

lie inert on the side of the road: "With only the warmth of the hand

fire a firework unexploded
could start the fuse and explode

explains the expert.

In this case there would be dire consequences for those who would reap the

fire. On January
I always do a round of
patrol in the area,
I often, in fact,
barrels of finding ordnance. A few years ago I found a

"cake": a firework
100 hit. A real
his weapon. "
the rules of the game are few, but keep in mind
only buy fireworks under
of law, those sold illegally
dust and often are replaced

because of violent outbursts. Most important is not

turn any kind of fireworks at home. Even small and simple

stars: a single spark could ignite

his home in
few seconds. Do not put your face closer to the fires

while turning,
always give back and keep

a bucket of water nearby.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Betty Crocker Cake Mix Recipes

Come away with me: defining Italians

From "Come away with me" by Fabio Fazio and Roberto Saviano 8 November 2010.

List of some definitions of the Italian people:
"The Italian has such a cult cunning even coming to see who uses it to his injury." Giuseppe Prezzolini
"Italians lose wars as if they were football matches and football matches as if it were war." Winston Churchill
"A nation of heroes, saints, poets, artists, navigators, colonizers, transmigration. "Benito Mussolini
" This nation of saints, poets, surfers, grandchildren, brothers-in. "Ennio Flaiano
" People of surfers who make a living. "Leo Longanesi
"The Italians earn less but live before." Giuseppe Saragat
"The Italians are like that: they want someone to think for themselves and then, if all goes well, okay, if it goes wrong, here that hang upside down. "Mario Monicelli

Monday, October 18, 2010

Colorado Log Cabins For Sale Antonito

Psychologist Col. 17321 MEMBER Società Spagnolo Dolo SED 1296

Lingue: Catalan, English ed italiano

Barcelona (Eixample) C Diputación, 168 2o.1a.
Tel.93 452 4115
La Garriga Fisiotem C / Bathrooms, 75 871 4487

eclectic therapy: cognitive-conductuale, Humana,
quick strategic sensorimotor body.

The psychologist may be "a coach's psyche"
Self-esteem, contact with other nutrients, the ability to fully live the emotions are essential ingredients for a fulfilling life.
sometimes happens to meet the blocks, which can be expressed through specific symptoms or through an experience of existential dissatisfaction.
Consultation with an expert can be one of the ways to find our well-being, able to draw fully on our energy to become the protagonists of our existence and not merely attori.Questo site is intended for people who feel the need to improve their quality of life and are considering the possibility of referral to a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Psicomorfologia - Grafopsicologia Sexual Therapy - Coaching staff from construction
- Desire for change Dissagio-existential-difficult relations (of tiles, on the job ...)- widespread anxiety attacks and problems of mood- Reports and panic-dependency and neglect afettiva-Posting-phobias and stress-distress-depression-Counselor (divorce, bereavement ...), live with the pain, power scontrolata ...


THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITIES: - Psicowalk-Runningterapia - Box-therapy - therapy Jannov


Sometimes, at certain moments in life, you can end up with the feeling of being at a dead end, trapped in stifling situations from which we can not get out, or oppressed by themselves or by a symptom that causes us pain, we have tried unsuccessfully to control, other times it can just happen to feel still in a stalemate that blocks our crescita.Spesso think that we should solve our own discomfort, that it just takes willpower to leave and, failing that, we say that we are weak or lazy, with increasing self-blame our malaise. Yet when we have toothache or flu do not hesitate to visit a doctor when we do not feel right with our body, there seems normal to go to the gym. When our problem is more internal, psychological, ghosts appear rather often, prejudices that limit us and make us difficult to rely on a professional to be aiutati.La most people who need help have problems in relationships with others: distrust, trust and let it difficult to reassure, dissatisfaction in relationships, difficulty in finding a partner, choice of partner or maltreating elusive, difficult to be yourself with others. Sometimes people are aware of these problems, other times not emerge until symptoms such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression. The difficulties arise in relationships and relational only in relations can be resolved. Individual psychotherapy may be an answer to these discomforts because it allows you to create an intimate situation, in which nutrient can heal our wounds.

visuto and I worked in Italy for which I also recognize profesional in Italy:

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How To Make Spanish_deck

The whistle of discord

Over the past two days events that took featuring two members of the PDL have reported the headlines the dispute through the whistle. Offering to politicians, opinion leaders, columnists and so on and so forth a new food for thought to fill the pages with other political crap this summer a little 'subdued (just think of the long debating on August kitchens and apartments in Monaco) .
the field, were then deployed to combat the pennivendoli Berlusconi on one side and the usual other dissident voices. The beautiful cases were of course the two objections to the sound of whistles of the "square" against Marcello Dell'Utri and Renato Schifani, who has been reminded of their past in the scent of the Mafia.
The two they have been invited to two different meetings, the cultural festival of Parolario and PD in Turin, respectively. On both occasions, as the two pidiellini took the floor, a large group of activists (now Qui Lecco Libera militants, now grillini now activists of the People Viola, now the Movement of the Red Diary) have begun to roll out banners, whistle and articulate phrases ineggianti their alleged links with Cosa Nostra, thereby preventing the two berluscones to keep their speeches.
Now that the allegations of squads and fascists are thrown in a bipartisan insulting and defaming is flawless, the fact remains that the way these protests are things I can not agree. is certainly evidence that the two gentlemen in question are not at all deficino pulpits from which to express their views, yet prevent externalize their thoughts is decidedly undemocratic. If the protesters did not want to listen to them, they could easily go away, or rather, where a parallel event to tell what the other side were silent. The whistles are sacrosanct, but only when they are spontaneous, not organized in advance and in order to silencing the opponent. Otherwise, we descend to the level of those fans that Berlusconi Prodi attacked in their time at the Bologna Motorshow (only in that case no one condemned them, let alone the president of the senate).

Friday, June 18, 2010

How Many Calories Are In Cookies

The last words of José Saramago

died today at the age of 87 years, José Saramago, the only Nobel Prize for literature in Portuguese. Atheist and communist, is self-exile from his country of origin because the conservative president at the time, which is also today, he had wanted to present one of his works to an international prize since it was an unorthodox book on Jesus dealt Saramago often also of Italy, which dealt with the political situation, among other things, in his book "The Notebook" that Einaudi did not want to publish because it contained criticism of the prime minister. Notes were also taken its position in favor of Palestine, the Middle East conflict, for which he was branded as anti-Semitic.
In 1947, after doing menial jobs to sustain himself and his family, manages to publish his first work, but will not have much success. Will you get a certain reputation through the poetry books and novels, especially Memorial of the Convent and The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis . Blindness is considered his greatest masterpiece.
This morning, before his death, which occurred around 13, he posted a final post on his blog (, which has left perhaps the teaching of a lifetime.

"I think today's society needs philosophy. Philosophy as space, place, method of reflection, which may or may not have a specific goal, such as science, which advances to reach new goals. Are we missing reflection, we need the labor of thinking, and I think that, without ideas, not going anywhere. "

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cell Respiration Questions With Answers

A plan to save civilization

table below shows a section of the book recently output "Plan B 4.0 - Mobilizing to Save Civilization" by Lester Brown, the guru of the environmentalist world view. The book is also available online at this address .

Plan B is the alternative to "businnes as usual", the maintenance of this contemporary model as if nothing was happening. Its aim is to shape the world from a direct path to the decline and total collapse to a new scenario in which food security can be found, and civilization can sustain itself over time. Just as the causes underlying the current food crisis go far beyond the agricultural system, the answer to the problem must be more specific. In the past, the Ministry of Agriculture alone could be responsible for agricultural research, provide credit to farmers and follow all those other activities which we imagine to be related to the powers of this institution. Today, however, to ensure food security we must mobilize all parts of our society.

For this reason, the Plan B is far more ambitious than anything humanity has done to date, an unprecedented initiative nor dimension, nor urgency and importance. It is divided into four objectives:
lower net emissions of CO2 by 80% by 2020;
stabilize population World at under 8 billion;
fight poverty,
restore the health of ecosystems, including land under this definition, aquifers, forests, grasslands and fishing areas.
This plan is ambitious because it is not based on what is politically feasible, but on scientific fact.

The project to slash emissions implies a radical improvement in energy efficiency at the global level, massive investment in renewable energy development, the block of deforestation and billions of new trees to be planted. Plan B describes, essentially, a transition from an economy based on oil, coal and natural gas to one based on wind, solar and geothermal energy.

The objective of the Plan B in terms of population is to stabilize the population to 8 billion people or below. But not because I believe that the global population will reach 9.2 billion and a half ever in 2050 as planned by the United Nations. Most of those 2.4 billion people in more than today are destined to be born in developing countries, places where the basic resources such as land and water resources are already in critical condition and hunger is increasing. Many of the systems that sustain human life in these countries have started to decline, if not complete collapse.

The question is not so if the population growth is likely to stop before reaching 9 billion and two, but if you stop it will be broadcast worldwide a rapid decrease in the number of people per household, or if you leave increased mortality, the task of limiting population growth. Plan B covers the choice that provides for reduced fertility.

Eradicating poverty is a priority for three reasons. First is the key to accelerate the global transition to smaller families, allowing access to all women of childbearing age, and in every corner of the world, health care, assistance and services family planning. It also helps to bring poor countries into the international community, allowing them to make their contribution to global issues such as climate stabilization. When people do not know if they will have to eat the next day, it is very difficult to devote time and energy to climate change. Third, the fight against poverty is a human and humanitarian gesture. A civil society can also be recognized by its ability to care for others.

The fourth aspect of the Plan B is responsible for restoring and protecting natural ecosystems that allow the existence of the human race. This implies the protection of soil erosion, deforestation ban, the promotion of reforestation, regeneration of fish stocks and putting into the field of a global effort to protect groundwater resources by improving the efficiency of water use. Until we can reverse the degradation of these ecosystems is very unlikely that we can prevent the rise of hunger.

Plan B is an integrated plan with four goals interdependent. We can not, for example, stabilize the population without the eradication of poverty. At the same time, we can not restore the ecosystems of the planet without the public to stabilize climate, stabilize the climate and not without the balance of population growth. Nor can we ever overcome poverty without restoring the earth's ecosystems. Our plan to save civilization as ambitious as it is urgent.

success depends on our ability to act with a speed comparable only to the emergencies of war, the redevelopment of the global energy system as it was for the industrial system of the United States in 1942, after the 'attack on Pearl Harbor . Within months, the United States became a country in a giant car manufacturer manufactures aircraft, tanks and warships. The conversion we need is not possible without a radical change in our system of priorities and values. And this can not happen without sacrifices. It should be recalled that in 1942 the key to the success of the industrial conversion ban was maintained for almost three years of the sale of new cars.

We are facing a tremendous challenge, but we can afford to be optimistic. All the problems we face can be solved with existing technologies. And almost everything that can be done to translate the decline in the global economy towards a sustainable path has already been achieved in one or more countries. For example, more than 30 countries that have almost stabilized their population growth.

Some technologies on the market, therefore, allow us to deal with already themes of the Plan B. With regard to energy, for example, we can get more out of a wind turbine with the latest generation of an old oil well. The new plug-in hybrid vehicles about to be launched as the Chevrolet Volt can travel up to 240 km with less than 4 liters of gasoline. Energy economy in about 2020 by Plan B, the majority of cars in circulation in the United States will be plug-in hybrids or fully electric car and will be mainly to supply the electricity generated by wind farms at a cost below 30 cents a dollar a gallon.

The world is taking its first steps towards a revolution in lighting. A few years ago we realized that a compact fluorescent could give the same amount of light of the old incandescent bulbs, using just one quarter of energy. Very good news. Now, we are learning to use a more advanced technology: LEDs, light emitting diodes that light up using only 15% of the energy needed in an incandescent bulb. In addition, motion sensors can turn off the lights where not required, while other sensors are able to tailor the light output in response to the presence or absence of sunlight. Switch from incandescent bulbs to LEDs and install motion sensors and light sensitive lights can reduce the amount of electricity used for lighting up to 90%.

In Plan B the existence of models at the national level, Denmark today gets more than 20% of its electricity from wind and plans to reach more than 50%. There are 75 million Europeans whose homes are powered by wind. Twenty-seven million Chinese homes have hot water thanks to solar heating on the roof. Iceland, a country where 90% of homes are heated using geothermal energy, has practically eliminated the coal from the home heating system. In the Philippines, 26% of energy comes from geothermal plants.

The world after the Plan B might look like the mountains reforested in South Korea for 65% of the land here, once bare and desolate land, virtually devoid of trees, have been reforested with success. Floods and soil erosion are just a memory, with the Korean campaign returned the balance and environmental stability. In the United States during the last 25 years it was decided to decrease the extent of cultivated fields, mostly at high risk of erosion of 10%, by allocating the remaining percentage to less aggressive tillage practices: the result is for now reduced erosion by 40% and at the same time an increase of cereal harvest of about one-fifth.

Some of the most innovative examples of leadership come from the city. Curitiba, Brazil, has started a transformation of the transport system in 1974 in the following decades, the traffic fell by 30% while the population has actually doubled. Amsterdam has a diversified transport system in which approximately 40% of all urban trips are made by bike. In Paris, the plan for the diversification of transport, which assigns a prominent role to the bike, promises to reduce car traffic by 40%. In London, the machines that want to go to the center must pay a tax, whose proceeds are reinvested in the expansion of public transport.

The challenge is not only in the construction of a new economy, but in doing so at a speed comparable to a war effort. It is necessary to avoid exceeding the point of no return ecosystems before the current economic model begins to collapse irreversibly. Participate in the establishment of a world economy more stable is an extraordinary challenge, as will be the extraordinary quality of life that we can get. A world where population growth has stopped, the forests have begun to expand, and the levels of carbon dioxide emissions are decreasing, it is within our reach.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Difference Between White Cricke

A decline in the style of journalism Web

March 27. The daily act. Page editorials. "Women, trouble free solution: already read a title like this one is quite astonished, and then curiosity gets the better and you decide to read the article. A reading reveals a crescendo of dismay, mixed with an initial rejection of the impression ("There will certainly be a final effect that overturns the primary thesis"). But no, the piece is signed by Massimo Fini announced that the title, something nothing short of appalling. A monument to misogyny. That conjures up ghosts of the far-right ideologies. A continuous generalization. An anthology of cliches against the female gender, which freeze a man like this writer, let alone a woman. Words that do not deserve even to be disproved the merits.
It is regrettable that a newspaper which is considered a lone voice can not even publish a prose that Felt would have dared to accommodate the columns of his newspaper. In short, a disappointment to its readers, who may hope for an isolated drop style. Although Fini thoughts are often reported by Done. An example is the number of 5 December 2009, where as much reporter equates the force of the Executioner Sobibor to attend to your process on a mobile bed (quite horrible, we agree) to the genocide of 27,900 Jews, guilty only of being born as such. Comparison that seems hardly a success.
seems incredible that in 2010 you can still read such nonsense. Why do men (defined as males and females) can not stop dividing second stupid criteria such as gender or ethnicity? Why can not they be considered equal to each other, yet different, in a variety edifying, that does not depend on these parameters?