Monday, November 3, 2008

How Can I Remain Invisble In Facebook

Why students occupy schools

In recent weeks, dozens of thousands of students across Italy are showing, even with the occupation of some universities and colleges, against the reforms the new government on public schools, promoted by the Education Minister Mariastella Gelmini. But few, even among the students themselves, they understood fully what the reform will change in the already problematic of the Italian school system. An issue to clarify is that once the reform of the school is for two codes: the decree law number 137 of September 1, 2008 and Law 133, the so-called Finanziaria 2009.
Decree 137, also known as the Gelmini, mainly of primary school. First down the expectations of all elementary school teacher to a single, which will handle all academic disciplines, from mathematics to literature, English, computer, resulting in a cancellation of any school trip or educational visit exit on the territory, since in order to carry out These activities must be one adult for every 15 students. In addition, the teacher in question will have to deal with foreign students and also only the disabled. And all in a total of 24 hours per week, so that schools will have to clear the full-time in the afternoon the children themselves or to other companies. Another aspect of the decree relates to teaching in schools in the first and second cycle of education of a new subject, as "Citizenship and the Constitution", preceded by the establishment of training courses for teachers on this issue. Other innovations introduced by the document are related to the assessment of behavior are to be admitted next year, is no longer necessary to have more than seven (ten), but just six and, whatever the vote, contribute to the final evaluation overall. Other articles of the law are related to the vote, which will be expressed in tenths, as well as in high schools, even in elementary and secondary schools; to textbooks, the adoption of which will be the same for the entire five years and all 'enabling sciences degree primary education as an examination of the state.
However, the reason why a large number of students is occurring throughout the peninsula, mainly concerns some aspects of the Law 133, approved August 6, 2008 from the rooms. The main item of discussion is the reduction of economic funds for educational institutions, in fact, Articles 64 and 66 of this rule enshrine seven billion and 832 million euro to climb from the funding for the school between 2009 and 2012 and a billion others and 441.5 million will be diverted to the universities and research between 2009 and 2013. He also discussed the provision that offers the possibility to the Academic Senate of a public university to determine the transformation institution into a foundation, self-managed from a management perspective, organizational and accounting, which may provide input to public and private. Other items included in the standard are the 17% reduction of the administrative, technical and auxiliary (ATA) between 2009 and 2011 and the requirement for teachers in the school year 2011-2012 to choose textbooks available, free or not, on the Internet.
These are the main points of the reform on school, part of which has already been approved several weeks ago, while the other is under trial in the Senate. Meanwhile, a long fringe of students continued to protest marches in major Italian squares, occupations of some universities and colleges and sit-in outside parliament, waiting for someone to accept their cry for help.


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