Last Saturday, in my high school, some teachers have after school distributed a leaflet presenting the main points of the Reform and Gelmini invited to attend a meeting of clarification. Today, three days later, a group of students, in the wake of its teachers, has sent a sheet explaining that they feel "led by the nose by those who use old ideological systems and an arrogant demagogues to distort the reality," using words which obviously do not know meaning, and continue bringing the entire text of the decree in question. This is an example of misunderstanding has arisen in Italy in relation to this issue. In fact, few people know that the cuts to education and some of the most critical points are not in the Gelmini decree, approval in the Senate, but in the 2009 Budget, which has been approved long ago. This big misunderstanding depends primarily on the majority of politicians, left and right, which echoed one another saying that the decree applies only to primary school (which is true) but do not explain why there are dozens of thousands of students and teachers to the streets to demonstrate, but also depends on mass media that are not doing their job by providing real information, but show various views of politicians, only creating more confusion in public opinion. In fact, if people knew what really is the whole reform, no one would dream of being in favor, as you just need a little 'common sense to realize that the country is not in need of these laws. A single teacher in elementary school would only mean a recession in decades ago, when there were not many disciplines that are needed today, such as English, computer science, art and music education. Budget cuts in schools and universities are unrealistic, because the cuts are of future generations, who will no longer count on a strong enough education. A reduction of only mean more hardship for working parents and those who do not know who to entrust their children. It should however also note a positive element in the reform, which is the teaching of civic education and especially the Constitution, although it is somewhat ironic that this government to propose such a project. Therefore, it is hoped that these laws are first explained to the citizens and then withdrawn by popular acclaim, as they are by no means necessary and tend to only make things worse.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
How Can I Remain Invisble In Facebook
Why students occupy schools
In recent weeks, dozens of thousands of students across Italy are showing, even with the occupation of some universities and colleges, against the reforms the new government on public schools, promoted by the Education Minister Mariastella Gelmini. But few, even among the students themselves, they understood fully what the reform will change in the already problematic of the Italian school system. An issue to clarify is that once the reform of the school is for two codes: the decree law number 137 of September 1, 2008 and Law 133, the so-called Finanziaria 2009.
Decree 137, also known as the Gelmini, mainly of primary school. First down the expectations of all elementary school teacher to a single, which will handle all academic disciplines, from mathematics to literature, English, computer, resulting in a cancellation of any school trip or educational visit exit on the territory, since in order to carry out These activities must be one adult for every 15 students. In addition, the teacher in question will have to deal with foreign students and also only the disabled. And all in a total of 24 hours per week, so that schools will have to clear the full-time in the afternoon the children themselves or to other companies. Another aspect of the decree relates to teaching in schools in the first and second cycle of education of a new subject, as "Citizenship and the Constitution", preceded by the establishment of training courses for teachers on this issue. Other innovations introduced by the document are related to the assessment of behavior are to be admitted next year, is no longer necessary to have more than seven (ten), but just six and, whatever the vote, contribute to the final evaluation overall. Other articles of the law are related to the vote, which will be expressed in tenths, as well as in high schools, even in elementary and secondary schools; to textbooks, the adoption of which will be the same for the entire five years and all 'enabling sciences degree primary education as an examination of the state.
However, the reason why a large number of students is occurring throughout the peninsula, mainly concerns some aspects of the Law 133, approved August 6, 2008 from the rooms. The main item of discussion is the reduction of economic funds for educational institutions, in fact, Articles 64 and 66 of this rule enshrine seven billion and 832 million euro to climb from the funding for the school between 2009 and 2012 and a billion others and 441.5 million will be diverted to the universities and research between 2009 and 2013. He also discussed the provision that offers the possibility to the Academic Senate of a public university to determine the transformation institution into a foundation, self-managed from a management perspective, organizational and accounting, which may provide input to public and private. Other items included in the standard are the 17% reduction of the administrative, technical and auxiliary (ATA) between 2009 and 2011 and the requirement for teachers in the school year 2011-2012 to choose textbooks available, free or not, on the Internet.
These are the main points of the reform on school, part of which has already been approved several weeks ago, while the other is under trial in the Senate. Meanwhile, a long fringe of students continued to protest marches in major Italian squares, occupations of some universities and colleges and sit-in outside parliament, waiting for someone to accept their cry for help.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Alot Of Discharge 39 Weeks
Rally in Bergamo

This morning I went to the event in Bergamo against the school reforms of the new government.
7 000 people according to organizers, 5,000 seconds the police.
There were no clashes, only people who exercise what little democracy that has failed.
Tonight at 19 and 30, I started to watch TV Bergamo, convinced that he spoke at length of the parade.
Instead, it seems, a meeting industrialists and trade unions and the death of a girl (albeit still dramatic) for an accident are more important than an expression of democracy of thousands of people blocked the city all morning, followed by an equally long on the students remained in class . Bergamo News has a great future, it seems a drop of water in the national news, looking at what we can convince millions of people to the streets to the master only through this policy of shit that make the news and dictate the so-called journalists. THEY NEVER
not giving up, neither will we.
7 000 people according to organizers, 5,000 seconds the police.
There were no clashes, only people who exercise what little democracy that has failed.
Tonight at 19 and 30, I started to watch TV Bergamo, convinced that he spoke at length of the parade.
Instead, it seems, a meeting industrialists and trade unions and the death of a girl (albeit still dramatic) for an accident are more important than an expression of democracy of thousands of people blocked the city all morning, followed by an equally long on the students remained in class . Bergamo News has a great future, it seems a drop of water in the national news, looking at what we can convince millions of people to the streets to the master only through this policy of shit that make the news and dictate the so-called journalists. THEY NEVER
not giving up, neither will we.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Swot Analysis On Hairdressing Salon
Italian students: all last counter? Dear inhabitants of the Earth
an article I wrote for school.
There was talk of thousands of more failures with astronomical rates, instead Fioroni reform has varied little, the number of repeaters. On completion of the summer and testing of recovery are beginning to take stock of the promoted and rejected in Italian schools.
was the end of last year when the then Minister of Education presented the rooms Fioroni school reform, which included the requirement to recover debits to go next year. Many students across Italy rose up against the law, fearing thousands more mouths. But now we are in the reckoning.
In 2007 they were promoted, 85, 8%, while this year 83, 8, and mouth are passed from 14 to 16.2%. A good part of
postponed, 13.7%, had the good news in June, so not having to go to summer school for remedial courses, while 6% did not pass the remedial examination, performed in 82% of schools in order August and early September and 18% of cases in the month of July.
But a distinction must be made between different types of school: in fact, in technical schools do not have the past year to 7.6% of the students, the art education in high schools and 6.7 classical, scientific and socio-psycho- teaching the 5.
The situation is worst among the so-called "Firstborn," which, if in 2007 18.7% of them were rejected, now the percentage has risen to 21.8.
Considering, therefore, a class of 25 pupils, is has gone from 3.5 to 4 failed students, which is not worrying in terms of variation, but it is in number.
an article I wrote for school.
There was talk of thousands of more failures with astronomical rates, instead Fioroni reform has varied little, the number of repeaters. On completion of the summer and testing of recovery are beginning to take stock of the promoted and rejected in Italian schools.
was the end of last year when the then Minister of Education presented the rooms Fioroni school reform, which included the requirement to recover debits to go next year. Many students across Italy rose up against the law, fearing thousands more mouths. But now we are in the reckoning.
In 2007 they were promoted, 85, 8%, while this year 83, 8, and mouth are passed from 14 to 16.2%. A good part of
postponed, 13.7%, had the good news in June, so not having to go to summer school for remedial courses, while 6% did not pass the remedial examination, performed in 82% of schools in order August and early September and 18% of cases in the month of July.
But a distinction must be made between different types of school: in fact, in technical schools do not have the past year to 7.6% of the students, the art education in high schools and 6.7 classical, scientific and socio-psycho- teaching the 5.
The situation is worst among the so-called "Firstborn," which, if in 2007 18.7% of them were rejected, now the percentage has risen to 21.8.
Considering, therefore, a class of 25 pupils, is has gone from 3.5 to 4 failed students, which is not worrying in terms of variation, but it is in number.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Creative X-fi Mb Utility
a theme for my holiday homework.
The inhabitants of planet Earth you are listening, write them a letter explaining what you just did not like the way they have organized, the life you live, the things that give a higher value but what makes you happy to be one of the humans who inhabit this world.
Dear people on Earth, I am writing this
letter to tell the world seen from a fifteen-Italian, what I like and what disgusts me the planet on which I live.
I can consider myself lucky since I was born and raised in that part of the world that rich and poor compared to other areas of the planet, in my opinion, are not sufficiently helped to develop and react against poverty, disease, injustice and totalitarian regimes that often govern these nations.
But even in more developed countries the situation, although improved, is not close to perfect: they are crowded too closely tied to the material values, which feeds in fast food, which has the cult of beauty, which no longer a social conscience, which has barely a review, which sanctifies everything that relates to television, which only thinks about making money, even illegally, to go on holiday enchanting island and to buy clothes.
Another issue is the environment: too little is done to save him and too much is done to destroy it. The public was not aware enough about this subject, and governments do the minimum, or even that, as those who have not ratified the Kyoto Protocol.
Turning to what I like about our planet, there are two main things that make me happy in this world.
The first is the power of nature to create scenarios spectacular and magnificent, like forests, waterfalls, oceans, yet so small life forms such as insects and complex.
The second is people: those honest, who do not live their lives selfishly, thinking only of his own personal gains, not doing anything at all, but helping others to create something good that will last forever.
In conclusion I can only look to the future and hope that is better than this, hoping that the new generation (mine), inspired by some moral value, is committed to making this world a better place.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
What Does A Il Driving License Look Like
Santa Claus, stork, right and left
The powers of a state are three: legislative, executive and judiciary. There is another one, this quarter: the press. In a normal democracy
- the legislature, which consists in making laws, it is the Parliament, elected by the people.
- The executive power, the task of making policy decisions, belongs to the government.
- the judiciary, to enforce the law and to decide and implement sanctions, if not respected, it is the judiciary.
- Print is in the hands of newspapers, television news reporters and independent of state power and its institutions. In
banana republic Italian:
- the legislative power is held by Benito Berlusconi and his majority, including licking fake-party company and opponents, it's all on his side. In a parliament that is not even elected by the people, given our shameful electoral law.
- The executive power belongs exclusively to him and woe betide anyone who touches him.
- The judicial power is held by a judiciary, and almost destroyed almost totally helpless, thanks to various laws enacted by shame left and right in the second republic and the persistent attacks and insults of the premier and his loyalists.
- The entire press, needless to say, literally belongs to the new leader, and even those few newspapers or newscasts that are defined on the left, make right-wing politics.
In a system where everything is in the hands of one individual, how can one still speak of right and left? Now, in Italy, are abstract concepts. May be associated with Santa Claus, the witch, the stork, the god almighty. Today there are more than two parties, two opposing political camps, and ideally, there is only one and the same caste to get done by people who truly touched the top down, in violation of any law of the state.
At this point, talking about Italian politics, one can recognize another kind of bipartisanship, two camps: one that condiscende under Berlusconi and what is in eternal conflict with the new dictator, having the hope of an Italy really free and truly democratic, composed of people who, in a normal country, would be of opposite ideologies (Republicans and Democrats), but here come together to oppose the one who threatens the freedom of Italian citizens.
- the legislature, which consists in making laws, it is the Parliament, elected by the people.
- The executive power, the task of making policy decisions, belongs to the government.
- the judiciary, to enforce the law and to decide and implement sanctions, if not respected, it is the judiciary.
- Print is in the hands of newspapers, television news reporters and independent of state power and its institutions. In
banana republic Italian:
- the legislative power is held by Benito Berlusconi and his majority, including licking fake-party company and opponents, it's all on his side. In a parliament that is not even elected by the people, given our shameful electoral law.
- The executive power belongs exclusively to him and woe betide anyone who touches him.
- The judicial power is held by a judiciary, and almost destroyed almost totally helpless, thanks to various laws enacted by shame left and right in the second republic and the persistent attacks and insults of the premier and his loyalists.
- The entire press, needless to say, literally belongs to the new leader, and even those few newspapers or newscasts that are defined on the left, make right-wing politics.
In a system where everything is in the hands of one individual, how can one still speak of right and left? Now, in Italy, are abstract concepts. May be associated with Santa Claus, the witch, the stork, the god almighty. Today there are more than two parties, two opposing political camps, and ideally, there is only one and the same caste to get done by people who truly touched the top down, in violation of any law of the state.
At this point, talking about Italian politics, one can recognize another kind of bipartisanship, two camps: one that condiscende under Berlusconi and what is in eternal conflict with the new dictator, having the hope of an Italy really free and truly democratic, composed of people who, in a normal country, would be of opposite ideologies (Republicans and Democrats), but here come together to oppose the one who threatens the freedom of Italian citizens.
Friday, July 18, 2008
How To Take In Pants That Are Too Large
Lodo intent
Article 3 of the Italian Constitution, paragraph 1, states: "All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinions, personal and social conditions. "
"All citizens are equal before the law without distinction as to social conditions."
do not need a constitutional expert to say that the Lodo Alfano, alias Berlusconi Maccanico alias, alias Schifani bis is absolutely unconstitutional, just a normal human being with a functioning brain to read, not Article 744 paragraph 16 of Chapter 7, line 9, but simply the envy of Article 3 of our Constitution.
It is madness to make (or become) a person is immune from prosecution, even if only for the years in which she covers one of the four highest offices of state. It is about giving a few people on the other superpowers. And here there is no kryptonite taking.
Moreover, unlike what many officials say the center-right, such a law does not exist in any other Western country. There was talk of France, where, however, immunity belongs only to the president of the republic and, as has happened to Chirac, after the charge, the process is restarted. While here in Italy, who assures us that in five years will still exist a judicial system that will process the order and our current Prime Minister untouchable?! Because if Benito Berlusconi continues at this pace, churning out unconstitutional laws every week, I dare not imagine where we can get.
Article 3 of the Italian Constitution, paragraph 1, states: "All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinions, personal and social conditions. "
"All citizens are equal before the law without distinction as to social conditions."
do not need a constitutional expert to say that the Lodo Alfano, alias Berlusconi Maccanico alias, alias Schifani bis is absolutely unconstitutional, just a normal human being with a functioning brain to read, not Article 744 paragraph 16 of Chapter 7, line 9, but simply the envy of Article 3 of our Constitution.
It is madness to make (or become) a person is immune from prosecution, even if only for the years in which she covers one of the four highest offices of state. It is about giving a few people on the other superpowers. And here there is no kryptonite taking.
Moreover, unlike what many officials say the center-right, such a law does not exist in any other Western country. There was talk of France, where, however, immunity belongs only to the president of the republic and, as has happened to Chirac, after the charge, the process is restarted. While here in Italy, who assures us that in five years will still exist a judicial system that will process the order and our current Prime Minister untouchable?! Because if Benito Berlusconi continues at this pace, churning out unconstitutional laws every week, I dare not imagine where we can get.
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