Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How To Make Spanish_deck

The whistle of discord

Over the past two days events that took featuring two members of the PDL have reported the headlines the dispute through the whistle. Offering to politicians, opinion leaders, columnists and so on and so forth a new food for thought to fill the pages with other political crap this summer a little 'subdued (just think of the long debating on August kitchens and apartments in Monaco) .
the field, were then deployed to combat the pennivendoli Berlusconi on one side and the usual other dissident voices. The beautiful cases were of course the two objections to the sound of whistles of the "square" against Marcello Dell'Utri and Renato Schifani, who has been reminded of their past in the scent of the Mafia.
The two they have been invited to two different meetings, the cultural festival of Parolario and PD in Turin, respectively. On both occasions, as the two pidiellini took the floor, a large group of activists (now Qui Lecco Libera militants, now grillini now activists of the People Viola, now the Movement of the Red Diary) have begun to roll out banners, whistle and articulate phrases ineggianti their alleged links with Cosa Nostra, thereby preventing the two berluscones to keep their speeches.
Now that the allegations of squads and fascists are thrown in a bipartisan insulting and defaming is flawless, the fact remains that the way these protests are things I can not agree. is certainly evidence that the two gentlemen in question are not at all deficino pulpits from which to express their views, yet prevent externalize their thoughts is decidedly undemocratic. If the protesters did not want to listen to them, they could easily go away, or rather, where a parallel event to tell what the other side were silent. The whistles are sacrosanct, but only when they are spontaneous, not organized in advance and in order to silencing the opponent. Otherwise, we descend to the level of those fans that Berlusconi Prodi attacked in their time at the Bologna Motorshow (only in that case no one condemned them, let alone the president of the senate).