Saturday, July 18, 2009

Men Wearing Swimsuits

Gossip cauntri

Until recently, almost on TV was out, the Net but there was no talk of nothing else. I refer the investigation of Bari (aka Puttanopoli) and all that entails for the image of our president of the board and, consequently, of our country. In fact served to make a porn scandal indignant public opinion as never before. The citizens of the beautiful country were not so angry or processes for the premier, nor for its television campaign, or for ad personam laws assiduously varava and launches today. And to make matters worse it was rumored (before the G8-cocktail disinformation) of a possible collapse of the government, news that, in hindsight, proved unfounded, though. Perhaps thanks to the new director of Tg1 Augusto Minzolini that, after working all his life gossip, now that the gossip is mixed with the political right in the person of Silvio Berlusconi, decided that the news does not inform her about these frivolous facts . But a person employed by the dictator can not understand that the news of public interest must always be given by an organ of information, it is up to you to understand what are the facts that must contribute to the formation of his political opinion and give their own opinion on a story like the one in question, where the prime minister's private life (the that go with the escort) mixes with the public (the context of Palazzo Grazioli and institutional events marinated). From the reactions that followed, it seems that the Italians are not able to make this distinction and they care a lot about this story seen on the upper floors of each company (see Sircana in Italy and Clinton in the U.S., sorry for the combination) not worrying about instead of anti-democratic tendencies that our country is undergoing, whose fault is largely of Mr Berlusconi.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Ontario Drivers License Length

Letter to Giampietro Sestini

Here is the email I wrote to Giampietro Sestini, Secretary of the Guarantee of the Democratic Party today denied that the membership (and thus the nomination in the primaries) Beppe Grillo.

Dear Mr. Sestini,
your decision not to admit Beppe Grillo's candidacy for the primary of your party not only confirms the suspicions of many: the Democratic Party has little democratic and therefore is certainly not an alternative to the authoritarian right of Berlusconi and never will be if you continue to give priority to this line of protection of caste and closed to the public. I hope you change your decision to show even a little donation.
Fabio Fontana

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Does Suposatories Get Rid Of Himroids

strike today

This blog is on strike today against the Alfano Bill, with the "right of reply," that foolishly want to also apply to the Net, as the final goal to close all the blogs and social networks on the web, limiting the de facto ' last bastion of free information in Italy.
Read 's Point Computer article on the law being approved in Parliament.