Sunday, March 8, 2009

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A new Renaissance ... No one to five stars

was the ultimate anti-political, was the man with no ideas that says a lot of profanity, was the 'arch-Italian of the worst. " Today Beppe Grillo has shown all his many detractors of being the man that Italy needs, surrounded by people that Italy needs. In fact, as I write, in Florence is held the first meeting of the national civil lists to five stars, which will be presented at the next elections. These are groups of people who believe in the policy making and, especially, have new ideas, virtuous, efficient and useful. The five stars are for five fields that underpin the foundations of their election programs: water, energy, development, environment, transportation. During the show, the theater capital Sashall of Florence, on the stage were Many speakers followed the likes of Beppe Grillo (the organizer), Marco Travaglio, Sonia Alfano, Jacopo For and other experts of different fields of work, but they made the exception the many components of the various MeetUp and civic lists, which recounted their experiences in the movement by sharing their plans and their intentions. The meeting ended shortly after 5:30 p.m., after almost 8 hours non-stop. Who attended in person or via live stream, despite the tiredness, he will go home happy and motivated to make Italy a better country.
They never give up (but the interest?), Neither will we.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

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touch latinorum

place an article of mine which was published in my high school newspaper. Before the original article, then the right one for publication.

the wake of the U.S., Germany and France and with the new government, even in Italy we start talking about the abolition of the teaching of Latin in high schools, especially in science, which will be replaced by a second foreign language.
But we are sure that by deleting the language schools of Ovid and Cicero will help to bring education to the apexes of the Italian international rankings? Or more likely it's just another way to devalue? Is not the Latin language is at the root of our own? So, banish this idiom seems unrealistic, since, if you must do without the status quo, it could reduce the hours of training per week, given that equal or exceed those of other materials, but today the most important.
Latin is relevant to the cultural background of an individual as it helps to develop and increase capacity of logical, rational, cognitive, and thanks to its complex morphosyntactic structures, makes it more rewarding learning Italian, giving the possibility to train times much more articulate and expand your vocabulary. It is therefore a way to learn how to express themselves more natural, allowing you to better explain what goes through your mind. Moreover, one could read and study the great Latin writers of the past, such as Ovid, Virgil, Tacitus, without deep knowledge of this language. Regarding the practical standpoint, Latin is also useful in the selection and enter certain universities, mainly in the humanities. Finally, one could say that Latin in the United States, despite having been abolished as a compulsory subject for some time, each year the percentage of people who participate in courses and requiring certification in this discipline continues to increase.
However a good number of students (and others) believe that the study of Latin is completely useless nowadays.
Their reasons relate to the fact that language is a so-called "dead", that is not spoken anymore, and that takes away time from other subjects in profits in the future world of work.
With regard to the fact that a language is "dead" does not mean that it did not live again in the works of ancient Latin authors mentioned above, the foundations of our culture. While it is true that takes time away from other disciplines, but it is better to have more ability to reason, who know a few more ideas about subjects that may not have any profit in the future.
So there is no doubt the usefulness of Latin in the cultural development of a person, but it is equally true that in the high schools the number of hours of study of this discipline are really too much, so without resorting to its total abolition, and unjust, would be sufficient to reduce the study time, perhaps encouraging more specialized materials.

the wake of the U.S., Germany and France, in Italy you start to talk about the abolition of the teaching of Latin in high schools, especially in science, which will be replaced by a second foreign language.
But we are sure that by deleting the language schools of Ovid and Cicero will help to bring education to the apexes of the Italian international rankings? Or is it not only more likely, another way to devalue? Is not the Latin language that is at the root of our own? So banish the study of this language seems unnecessarily drastic choice, since, if you really want to change things, it could reduce their weekly hours of teaching, seeing that equal or exceed those of other subjects, just as important today.
Latin, in fact, is relevant to the cultural background of an individual, helping to develop and increase capacity of logical, rational, cognitive, and thanks to its complex morphosyntactic structures, makes it easier to learn Italian, improving the ability to form a lot of times more complex and enriching your vocabulary. It is therefore a way to learn to speak more naturally, allowing you to better explain what goes through your mind.
also could not read and study the great composers of the past, such as Ovid, Virgil, Tacitus, without deep knowledge of this language.
From practical point of view, Latin is also useful in the selection and attendance at certain universities, not only in the humanities, because the language of many scientific disciplines has its main base in Latin. How can we not enough, in the United States, where high school and universities have always preferred the technical and scientific subjects, they are rediscovering the language of Caesar and Cicero, as evidenced by the increased number of courses required by students.
convince, however, the tenacious critics of the Latin is difficult.
A fair proportion of students (and others) believe, in fact, that the study of Latin is completely useless nowadays.
For the party of the abolitionists, it is a language called "dead", that is not spoken anymore, that takes away time from other subjects, the most useful in the future world of work.
This is refuted, However, the fact that it lives on, as well as in the immortal works, even in many modern languages, institutions still in force. There is a referendum, the quorum for elections, the misunderstandings, the legendary "carpe diem", and much more.
Sure, it is true that takes time away from other disciplines, but have more reasoning skills and more tools for understanding our world is important and will help us do so many occasions that part of the Renzo poor, confused by the " latinorum "Don Abbondio.
not abolish, therefore, but to reorganize in order to give adequate attention to all the major disciplines today.

Interestingly, the first row is gone, the words "and the new government" ...